
All you need to know about Best Social Brands – Special Categories (Awards)

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Best Social Media Brands 2019

Take a look at the special categories of Best Social Media Brands 2019. Nominations open now!

In its third edition, Best Social Media Brands (BSMB) is all set to recognize and celebrate brands that have evolved with the evolving nature of social media as a medium. Brands that don the humane mask to become more approachable, interactive, and engaging – now is your time to shine.

As a part of Best Social Media Brands 2019, The Sammie will be given to 20 Main (Brand) categories, 15 Special (Campaign) Categories, and 6 Individual (Marketing Achievers) Category. Take a look at the special categories of BSMB 2019 and start nominating now!

Best Social Media Brand - Cause Marketing


category dedicated to brand campaigns that not only aced cause marketing as a

concept but also stood true to their words by championing for the cause


Best use of social media to launch

a product/service


category is for brands that have managed to launch a product through social

media channels.

Best use of social media platform for campaign - Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/LinkedIn/Niche Platforms


your brand take pride in creating a path breaking campaign for any of the

social media platforms? Now is the time to shine.

Best Use of Video Content


success of video as a medium for marketing isn’t news anymore. If you have

managed to create path breaking video content from a marketing perspective, this

category is for you.

Best Use of Influencers - Facebook/Instagram/Twitter

Cracked an influencer marketing campaign successfully? Nominate now.

Also Read:Nominations for the 3rd edition of #SAMMIE Best Social Media Brands open now!

Best Use of Branded Content and



category is for brands that went beyond ordinary advertising through branded

content on their channel or in association with creators.

Best UGC / Co Creation Strategy


generated campaigns that leveraged content created by consumers as a part of

the campaign.

Best Use of Social Media to

generate leads or drive revenues


media is one of the strongest mediums for generating leads. If your brand has

managed to generate considerable RoI from their social media marketing efforts

or generate Leads through social media, nominate now.

Best Social Media Brand - Moment



it the egg that vent viral or GOT Finale – if your brand knows how to ignite a

moment with the right marketing strategy and leverage it, you know what to do.

Best Social Media Brand - Occasion Marketing


Holi, or Eid – occasions make for the best opportunities to interact and engage

with you consumers. If a winning occasional marketing campaign is under your

kitty, nominate now.


Use of Technology to create a seamless Brand Experience on Social Media


VR, AR – if you have aced the use of technology for a seamlessly integrated

campaign, this category is for you.

Most Conversational Brand on Social



no longer want to be a part of someone else’s story. They want to be a part of

a conversation, be heard to, be spoken to. If you take pride in managing a

brand that is conversational and engaging, apply now.

Best use of Memes


have evolved as marketing vehicles in the last few years. This category is for

campaigns that have leveraged memes to for a marketing objective.

Best Use of Content Marketing


traditional definition of content marketing using content to market a product

or service. However, with changing times this definition has changed. It is all

about creating engaging content that conveys the message in an effective and unobtrusive

manner. For great content marketing campaigns, nominate.

Best Use of Digital Data, Analytics

and Listening

Data is a goldmine for it gives you detailed insights about who your consumer is, what they want when they want it, and how they want it. Using data right is half the battle won. If your brand has managed to leverage data truly and wholly, nominate under this category.

Nominations open till June 16! Don't waste time. Nominate now.

best social media brands social samosa sammies 2019 Best Social Media Brands SAMMIE sammie Best Social Media Brands 2019 best social media brands