
TikTok Tips to share safety suggestions for the platform

Paawan Sunam
New Update
TikTok Tips

TikTok presents its features developing privacy, safety, and well-being, through their account TikTok Tips.

The platform is using its troop of creators to apprise users about features they can use, during times their experience gets uncomfortable, with short videos on the TikTok Tips account.

The short videos depict online issues such as negative comments, spamming DMs, annoying users that bother others, through real-life narratives and clippings of the user interface, giving directions to use features that can help deal with the issues.

The videos also provide tips on well-being and suggestions that can help boost privacy on the platform. The platform that is currently thriving on the higher side, demonstrates these features in an ingenious way.

Also Read: TikTok now lets you upload videos via desktop

While TikTok's popularity has been growing by the minute, especially in India, where every viewer is also a creator, there have been a number of reported accidents and mishappenings.

TikTok also faced an 'interim' ban in the country. Tech Giants Apple & Google were instructed to remove the app from their app stores and block downloads.

The ban stemmed from Madras High Court and the Supreme Court refused to put a stay on the ban. Mishappenings such as the death of a 19-year old because of a gun going off while shooting a video, children being exposed to sexually explicit content, and cases of cyberbullying had triggered the ban.

Since then, TikTok has been on a quest to rebrand its image. They recently also launched EduTok, their long term initiative to propel educative and informative content.

TikTok Tips is an entertaining way to educate users, which is also synonymous with the platform. Expectantly, it might imbibe positive practices in users and limit mishappenings.

features tiktok news Social Media news safety platform update TikTok Tips safety features