
Featuring a Social Media Tool - Unmetric

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Featuring a Social Media Tool - Unmetric

About the tool!

Unmetric gives marketing teams sector based social media benchmarks with data that was unavailable so far. We recognised early on that while many brands were quick to embrace social media as a new marketing channel, many were flying blind. Companies are used to having sector based benchmarks in most areas of business, particularly in advertising & marketing where you have TRPs for TV and comScore for websites. Before Unmetric, there was no way for brands to benchmark their efforts and performance on social media, despite companies like General Motors ploughing $30m a year just to create content for their various Facebook pages.

Who founded the product/company?

The company was founded in early 2010 by three people, each with over 15 years of diverse work experience and complementary skills and personalities. Lakshmanan Narayan (a.k.a. Lux) is the CEO of the company. Having a team that relates so well to each other is a huge benefit as it translates into fantastic efficiencies (no time spent on random meetings, etc.) that percolate downwards to the entire team.


It also helps to have great chemistry when you need to make big changes in the company - in our case, we hugely pivoted from an SMB focused business (EyesAndFeet) to an enterprise focused one - the one we are all about now - Unmetric.

What platforms does it cover?

The platform covers Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and soon, Pinterest. We are also looking at LinkedIn and Google+ as future additions.

Features of the tool?

The tool is designed for big brands to analyse, benchmark and compete with their competitors in the social media space. We offer more than just presenting numbers taken from the API. We add a layer of intelligence to the data using human computing, advanced algorithms and process the data to provide more insight. A brand can understand how their social media performance matches up to their closest competitors and sector in general. Virtually all big B2C brands in India have some kind of social media presence but very few of them can say with certainty that they are doing a good job because, until now, there was nothing for them to benchmark themselves against.

What kind of social media analysis does the tool provide?

The platform provides never seen before social media metrics. For example, we use human computing to accurately tag and categorise every Facebook post for the brands that we track. This helps our clients uncover content and marketing strategies of what their competitors are doing and helps them to improve their own efforts by understanding what’s working and what isn’t. On Twitter, we noticed early on in the development of the platform that many brands were using Twitter as an official customer support channel. We have brought in some call-centre style metrics to analyse the average reply times of brands on Twitter to discover who is able to respond to customer queries the quickest.


How does Unmetric differ from other social media analytics tools available?

Firstly, Unmetric isn’t a listening tool like Radian6 or Nielson BuzzMetrics. These services do a great job of telling brands what people are talking about and the overall sentiment of the conversation. Secondly, we are not a “deep dive” analytics tool – we don’t login to your Facebook page and pull out all the data. We enable big brands to benchmark their social media performance by offering sector based metrics and giving context to numbers. For example, if you grew your Twitter followers by 2,500 last month, is that normal? Unmetric has answers to this and much more.


Does it give an option to download reports?

Yes, all data can be downloaded into convenient Excel reports. The user also has the option to save the graphs and charts as an image file so it can be easily inserted in a Word document or PowerPoint presentation.

What is the Unmetric Score about?

The Unmetric Score is a way of ranking the social media performance of brands across the various social channels. Brands receive a different score on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. It gives them a quick snapshot on how they are doing vis-à-vis their competitors. Take the telecom industry for example, Tata DoCoMo scored 81 on Facebook while Aircel scored 58. The scores are updated each month and take into account 24 qualitative and quantitative metrics.

What are the brands/agencies that are using this tool?

We currently have Citibank, Subway, Airtel, MakeMyTrip, Mahindra Holidays, Zocalo and Suncorp as customers and many other Fortune 500 brands are currently evaluating our platform.

Pricing & Packages

Pricing is provided to interested and valid parties. Our market is big brands from Fortune 500 companies and other large, national brands that have social media teams.

Road Map

Unmetric is under constant development. We have a development team in Coimbatore, who work on rapid production cycles adding new features. We are always looking for new ways to analyse the data to add competitive social media intelligence.

The Team

We have an international team with offices and staff in Chicago, Dallas, New York, San Francisco, Chennai and Coimbatore. We have a number of people in the US handling our sales and development. In Chennai, we have the APAC Sales team, Marketing and Operations teams. In Coimbatore, we have our Development and Testing team.

Are you hiring?

As a startup with the core team in place, we don’t have specific vacancies but are always willing to talk to people who are very bright, enthusiastic about the platform and can fit in with the office culture we have built up. We’ve used platforms like to recruit paid interns but have so far avoided the big job sites for hiring, preferring to use our network of contacts or word of mouth to find the right team members.

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