5 takeaways for bloggers from #WIN15

Saloni Surti
New Update
From a platform for expression, to a buzz word and now a passion that can be monetised – blogging has gone from being an art to being a science. A mishmash of content marketing, social push, design, navigation and visuals – blogging requires a Jack of all trades to be the master of one.

Demystifying myths around blogging, BlogAdda’s #WIN15 proffers some key takeaways.

Blogging does not equal free stuff

Passion is passion only if you’re ready to slog for it. If you expect that that creating a travel blog and writing articles such as ‘Top 10 offbeat destinations’ will get you free trips, you are way off the mark. In fact, free trips, products or services will not be a part of the deal for a long time, if at all.

Collaborating will take you a long way

It is competitive out there. If you’re a blogger with 500 loyal followers, go out there and search for bloggers with equal or more following and pitch to brands as a single entity. What matters to the brand is wide reach with minimum effort, even if it comes from a number of platforms.

Outsourcing is not a taboo

Being a blogger does not imply being a know-it-all. Quality of the end product matters the most; if this translates into you outsourcing the editing or photography, go ahead and do it.

Click baiting is not the answer

You can cheat and bait your audience once or twice, the third time reluctance and lack of trust will seep, in reducing the click rates gradually.

On the same note, word hard on your headlines – they need to short, clickable and irresistible at the same time.

Go beyond Google adsense

If you have a million followers, start thinking beyond adsense. Go for branded content or subtle sponsors. Adsense proves to be a huge eyesore for audiences after a point. Look for innovative monetisation options for the long run.

Bloggers Blogging tips DIY BlogAdda #WIN15