
From jingles to music albums - Why Music IPs work for brands…

Saloni Surti
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Music IP


Naya Ujala to Coke Studio and Dewarists, brands have been using music as marketing

medium for decades – experts speak on the progressing role of Music IPs.

Back in November 2017, a 22 year old DJ Ritviz became the talk of the town as his song ‘Udd Gaye’ went viral. Created by AIB in association with #BacardiHousePartySessions, the video was a brand created Music IP that is widely consumed till date.


the use of music in marketing is a rather fashioned concept. From Aaya Naya

Ujala to Coke Studio and Dewarists, brands have been using music as marketing

medium for decades now. The rise of Music IPs in the form of full – fledged

soundtracks, which are also distributed as music albums with minimal or no brand

presence, has gained prominence in the last few years.

Rise of Music IPs

In the later part of 2018, Supari Studios collaborated with Red Bull to create Raah e Fakira, a music video featuring Bangalore-based folk/fusion band, Swarathma.


“Music helps establish emotional connect by triggering memories and stimulating emotions, drawing viewers completely into the narrative and the message. Moreover, unlike traditional commercials which are now seen as distractions, music is viewed differently, thereby acting as an immensely impactful IP from a brand’s perspective,” explains Manoti Jain, Business Head, Supari Studios.


goes on to explain how Red Bull went on from being a beverage company to a

full-blown media entity with Red Bull Media House. “Through its content wing,

Red Bull Media House, it has moved from being simply a beverage company that

uses video content for marketing purposes, to one that falls under the media

space as well. Developing music IPs has therefore, always been a very large

part of Red Bull’s brand identity,” Jain concludes.

The primary brief given to them was to put together a local sport with the track, while building a narrative based storyline out of the same.


e Fakira was released on social media and is available on the music streaming

app, Saavn.

2018 also witnessed Airtel TV Missing Stars Of Pujo, a music IP created by Airtel featuring prominent singer, Anupam Roy. The song advert was promoted heavily on digital and made available on Airtel owned music streaming app, Wynk.

“Airtel has a very recognisable signature tune

composed by A R Rehman way back in 2002. We decided to build around that and

create a song that can reach out to people,” shares Arjun Mukherjee, VP and

ECD, J Walter Thompson, an integral part of the campaign.


Shedding insight on creating a Music IP, Mukherjee opined, out there, on the internet, a music video is fighting with a cat video for attention. One can’t segregate content on the basis of music v/s humour or something else. “The internet is truly democratic space. Only content that people like and connect with will find traction. It must touch an emotive chord, something they can relate to,” he adds.

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One of the most prominent Music IPs created by a

brand is the aforementioned #BacardiHousePartySessions’ Udd Gaye. The brand

recorded 2500 entries and 1.3 million conversations for BACARDÍ House Party


“With BACARDÍ House Party Sessions, our objective

was primarily to encourage up and coming musical talent across the country and

cement our enduring legacy in music,” expresses Sahith Sethuraman, Senior Brand

Manager Bacardi TM - India & South East Asia, Bacardi India.

Sethuraman shares that when Ritviz performed Udd

Gaye at BACARDÍ Nh7 Weekender they realized that the audience knew the lyrics

to a song that was only a week old.

“If we look at the many covers that BACARDÍ House

Party Sessions has created, we start noticing how consumers talk about the

brand and the campaign. Our internal tracking parameters also show a large

upswing on desire and brand affinity scores,” Sethuraman further adds.

Building a Music


Music IP as a term is very broad – it could be a

jingle, an ad campaign featuring a musician, or an entire music album (like 6

pack bank) with or without brand integration. Whether to create a Music IP or

no and which way to go has to be a strategic decision as opposed to a tactical

one. Music IPs are a cost heavy entity; for maximum RoI brands need to look at

integrating them in a larger strategy as opposed to a one of marketing tactic

that may or may not perform to its potential.

“Consistency is of paramount importance for a

platform or message to percolate. Second to consistency is ownable content. One

must do what is in line with the legacy. Above all staying true to the brand

legacy is what always ticks,” Sethuraman explains.

Legacy further brings out brand relevance which

stands true to all forms of marketing. “Brands, need to build IPs that are not

only strategically relevant, but also serve as powerful content territories, by

falling at the intersection of brands’ value propositions and the audience’s

passion points,” says Jain.

Image result for harish bijoor

Harish Bijoor of Harish Bijoor Consultants explains that brands need to integrate music in every stage and not just the final product.

“The IPL sound is my favorite. Sound branding at its

best! You

recover costs only when you hit big. Most brands don’t,” Bijoor exclaims.

He emphasizes that brands must believe in research

that is oriented to the ears rather than to the other senses.

“Most of our brand research is related to the

visual. That needs to change in mindset terms,” Bijoor concludes.

music IPs Music IP jingles brand songs brand Music IP brand music albums branded content Social Media Marketing content marketing native content