
LinkedIn launches new features and tests Stories

Paawan Sunam
New Update
LinkedIn features

LinkedIn launches new features to display work samples and explore job opportunities, along with testing Stories.

New LinkedIn features include a job filter called 'Fair Chance' and a new section on Profile called 'Featured'.

Featured Section

The recently released 'Featured' section will let you showcase some of your best work on your LinkedIn profile.

Users can include LinkedIn posts they've created or reshared, articles published on LinkedIn, external links to their portfolio or blog, and shareable media such as images, videos, etc.

Users can also edit, delete, or reorder work samples. Deleting a work sample from the 'Featured' section is a permanent action and can't be undone.

Members cannot feature posts from LinkedIn Events that they're attending or groups that they’re a part of. The feature would be gradually rolled out to all members. The feature would be gradually rolled out to all members.

Also Read: LinkedIn announces Skill Assessments to help users get hired

LinkedIn Stories

LinkedIn is exploring the most duplicated feature of social media to build a casual format for professional conversations.

Pete Davies, Senior Director of Product Management, LinkedIn told The Verge, members can use Stories to share "key moments from work events" or "tips and tricks that help us work smarter".

In November 2018, LinkedIn was testing Student Voices inspired by Snapchat Stories. The feature lets users post short-videos to their Campus Playlist that appears on top of their Home feed, for academy students in the US.

The purpose of the feature was to get students to showcase their academic experiences like exhibitions, internships, fairs, projects and more.

Update: LinkedIn has confirmed the tests.

Fair Chance

LinkedIn has rolled out a new job filter called 'Fair Chance', to identify employers that consider applicants with a criminal record.

As the name suggests, job seekers who cannot undo their past but want to restart their professional careers can gain a second opportunity. The feature would also create more economic opportunities for both parts of the professional community - employers and job seekers.

LinkedIn features
features linkedin stories Linkedin features Social Media news LinkedIn Stories linkedin updates tests Stories linkedin new features linkedin news tests