Who are we?
We’re not a sauce. We’re not Chinese .We’re not an agency. We’re the future of marketing and advertising. (Yes, we’re that confident!). We keep consumers engaged with their favorite brands. We’re Blackbean Engagement.
What's in the name?
Alet Viegas thought of dropping it all and starting a company one evening. While chewing on the idea, along with some Chinese food he was given the menu to choose a good curry with his noodles. He opted for a chicken in blackbean sauce.
That’s why we are called Blackbean Engagement. It happened the moment he made his order. We will never really know why. Besides, what’s in a name? Right.
What we do?
Everybody loves to discuss things- a new phone, the latest OS, or even a new type of detergent that smells of sandal. We capture these dialogues and turn them into conversations that can generate more and more sales for the brand. We engage our clients through print, web and film based vehicles. We love the Digital Ride though. Websites, Social Media Management, Likes and Comments .
Why we do it?
Like we said, we’re building the future, which is Digital, hence, we’re here.
How we evolve?
We’re always connected. Always Updating. Always Learning. We learn from every resource we can get our hands on, books we read or even from captivating insights from a conversation overheard in the lift.
Social responsibility in social media
There lacks a credible certification where the study of digital media or social media is concerned. So we need to really learn the nuances of the media so that we can work within the lines and not hurt sentiments of any kind.
Need of the hour
Digital media is a whole new vertical of communication in the marketing mix. It cannot be used as a mere support for the other modes of communication. The importance and the sanctity of having Facebook pages etc. need to be realized by the brand management teams.
We learned the hard way
Never ever work for FREE.
Did we just share that?
So we had an office party and were frightfully hungover, when a client called and asked us to stop by for a briefing. We reached and waited for him to get free. We fell asleep. When we woke up, we found our client staring at us. He asked us, “ Hey what are you guys doing here?” We’re so sleepy, we say that we had just casually dropped by.
They work with us
An eclectic mix of clients work with us on various projects, like mobile app development, websites, e-commerce etc. DC Design, Vardenchi Motorcycles, Tasty Khana , Viocom 18 all believe in and work with us.
Industry as we foresee
A developing and smart digital future.
A day without Internet
We head to the beach. Yes,we are based in Pune with our hearts in Goa. What to do?
Lastly, are you hiring?
Design, Strategy, Servicing, BD. We’re always looking for new beans!