
9 Inspirational Home Décor Boards on Pinterest, Likely to Give You Great Ideas

Meera Rai
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9 Inspirational Home Décor Boards on Pinterest, Likely to Give You Great Ideas

Pinterest - the less explored platform, has more than 25,000,000 active users who share high quality images of various things right from delicious cuisines around the world, exotic locations, trendy apparels, elegant home décor ideas, DIY craft ideas & much more. The list is endless! An image pinned on Pinterest has sharp picture quality that enhances the appeal to such an extent, that one simply cannot get off their eyes of it!

When a user looks out for home décor ideas on Pinterest, he is astonished with a plethora of ideas at his disposal. It’s both a lavish & a mesmerizing experience to go through these pins that have so much freshness.

Talking about home décor being a hot topic on Pinterest, this super-inspirational platform gives users bright ideas on designing their living space & how they could turn boring corners of their home into celestial ones. Cozy bedrooms, luxurious bathrooms, creative kitchens & every other room portrayed on Pinterest has a quintessential element to it.

When you pin fancy ways to give your living space an extraordinary vibrance, without another hesitance one would want to follow you for inspirational ideas. Just make sure, you keep updating your boards with fresh pins, so that you keep thrilling more & more of your followers with some magnificent home décor ideas that they have been missing out on.

Here are 9 inspirational boards on Pinterest that are worth following –

1. Indian Home Decor by Indu Rekha

Every pin on this board has an ethnic Indian touch to it. Traditionally royal yet modern in its appeal.b1


2. Indian Interior Design by Rabeena Deol Sidhu

Well if you love decorating every nook of your home with brighter colors, you simply gotta give this board a peep. Filled with vibrancy in its approach, this board is sure to be one of your favorites!



3. Home Design Interior Indian Elements by Cyrus

If you are someone who loves contemporary art & appreciates fine architectural designs, then this board is going to keep you looking mesmerized all though out. Get transported back to the Mughal era!



4. Asian Interior Design by Damini Juneja

This fabulous board will take you through some cozy bed-rooms that will leave you spell-bound. Minimalistic yet enchanting in its appearance!



5. Indian Home Decor by Karishma Bakshi Datta

Rich, both in class & style, this home décor board on Pinterest can steal any viewer's interest with every pin that shows you how to make homes look modern & exquisite in the 21st century.



6. Creative Spaces by Avni Palekar

If you are one of those who loves lavish lounging, then this board for you is a a must follow! These creatively decorated living spaces have a modern touch to it along with a do-able approach, giving viewers a scope for improvement in their sweet homes!




7. Indian Home Décor Ideas By Pooja Madhavan

From dream-like homes to unbelievably gorgeous rooms, gives you a visual treat. This board containing pins of carefully decorated homes are a must follow if you plan to revamp your living space.




8. Indian Home Décor Ideas by Vijaysri Kupp



It is not necessary that you deck up your entire room, where every nook and corner of your house dangles with art to make an impression. You could take a minimalistic route, where you have just one or two home décor articles thoughtfully placed at noticable places in your house. The trick is to keep it visible enough for your guests to have a visual treat. Learn here.



9. Home Decoration Ideas by She is Gorgeous


Those of you owning independent villas & pretty spacy flats and are looking for those inspirational ideas to revamp your homes, your search ends here! This board shows you a mix of pins, right from bright & vibrant homes to neat white houses. This board qualifies to give each interior designer, peculiar ideas they’re looking for.



Now that you look Pinterested watching these amazing boards with enormous home décor ideas, go ahead & follow them. Also make an awe-inspiring home decor board of your own, in order to keep inspiring the rest of the world with ideas!


This article is brought to you by Berger Paints. All you home décor aficionados, check out Berger's newly launched Colour Magazine for the latest trends, tips and tricks on Home Décor, Interior Designing and much more!

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