
Google+ Introduces Custom URLs for Individuals and Pages

Rakesh Kumar
New Update
Google+ Introduces Custom URLs for Individuals and Pages

Google+ will finally allow brands and individuals to own a custom URL after a year a year long wait. What should have been done many many months ago, was announced by Google employee Saurabh Sharma yesterday.

While I am not a frequent Google+ user, I always found its URL structure awful. When you're a mammoth tech enterprise, we expect you to be faster and it always puzzled me as to why Google+ didn't introduce custom URLs within few months of its launch.

When you open your platform to businesses and celebrities, you don't give them URLs that are a bunch of different characters right? Fortunately, the mammoth has woken up and will start giving away custom URLs to select accounts.

Yes. As an individual you still have to wait for sometime. It's the big boys who will jump the line and get theirs first.

The first ones to get their vanity URLs are:

and several more.

After some time, the custom URLs will be open to every user of Google+. So all you can do is wait and watchthe biggies getting their vanity URLs.

What do you think about this announcement? Excited about this? Or is it too late? Tell us in the comments below.


Google product manager Saurabh Sharma announced the expanded rollout on his Google+ page this afternoon. "Today we're rolling out custom URLs to thousands more verified (and well-known) brands and individuals," wrote Sharma. "If you're part of this expanded roll out, you'll be prompted to claim your preapproved URL via email and/or when you visit your profile or page."

Image Source: Magnet 4 Marketing dot Net

Business pages Google Custom URL