
Facebook Announces ‘Facebook Exchange’ - Purchasing Facebook Ads through Bidding

Nirali Hingwala
New Update
Facebook Announces ‘Facebook Exchange’ - Purchasing Facebook Ads through Bidding

Facebook formally announced that Facebook Exchange (FBX), which is a new way of purchasing Facebook ads through real-time bidding platform, is out of beta. Facebook had initially announced that they were testing Facebook Exchange in June of this year. Through Facebook Exchange, advertisers and agencies have been able to use cookie-based targeting through Demand-Side Platforms (DSPs) to reach their audience on Facebook with more timely and relevant messages. For brands and agencies, it is a powerful tool for driving direct response goals on Facebook.

Facebook Exchange Product Marketing Manager Scott Shapiro said in a post on Facebook Studio announcing the official launch of FBX:

Facebook Exchange leverages marketers to use their own real-time consumer-insight data to reach an audience on Facebook. It helps expand their direct-response campaigns running on other websites into Facebook.

Facebook represents a large portion of display ad inventory on the Web — (more than 25 percent, according to a recent ComScore study) — this is a significant opportunity for advertisers using demand-side platforms to extend the same strategies to Facebook that are working for them on other display exchanges.

Facebook Exchange is perfect when the objective is a conversion outside Facebook and the data used to drive that objective exists outside Facebook. It enables to use signals to remarket to the valuable audience on Facebook, and at the right time. Facebook Exchange is a great way to drive conversions from Facebook for many advertisers in industries like retail, travel, auto and financial services. Advertisers can extend these same performance-driving techniques they do on other exchanges to Facebook.

However, when brand’s goals are increasing awareness and favourability, Facebook’s native tools are usually a better fit because they work with all our social formats and placements in addition to fan targeting.

Also, the features of real-time bidding that drive efficiency for marketers, apply to Facebook ads when purchased through Facebook Exchange. DSPs using Facebook Exchange can implement features like multi-touch attribution, view-through conversions, global frequency capping, day-parting, and creative optimization. These are a handful of benefits that drive ROI.

In a Nutshell:

Facebook Exchange, or FBX, lets advertisers use automated systems to bid for ads and place them in real time, using information about users gathered from their visits to other websites.FBX makes it easier to run campaigns on both Facebook and other websites at the same time. And real-time bidding allows for the placement of time-sensitive campaigns.

Advertisers already working with a DSP can give them a call and ask for Facebook Exchange. Facebook is working with DSPs across U.S., Latin America and Asia to have solid presence globally.

You can Contact your preferred DSP or Agency Trading Desk to get started. Or log on here and select More Options and click Facebook Exchange through Real-time bidding.

Image source: topgold

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