
Wolfram Alpha - The Badass Facebook Personal Analytics Tool

Rakesh Kumar
New Update
Wolfram Alpha - The Badass Facebook Personal Analytics Tool

Always wondered if there was a tool like Facebook Insights for your personal profile? One which will give you a detailed information of your entire Facebook activities?

Well, the guys at Wolfram Research Company have done just that with their brand new tool.

Get Started

To get started, visit and enter 'Facebook' in the search field. Click on the 'Analyze my Facebook Data' button and allow the app to access your data. You will have to create an account with them.

Wolfram Facebook Analyze

Once you login, it will load your entire Facebook data and awe you with a fantastic representation of your entire Facebook activities.

Wolfram Data Collection

How Awesome Wolfram Alpha Is?

I loaded my Facebook data and it threw up some really interesting results. While giving basic information about my profile was a given, it mapped my entire post activity since September 2010.

Apparently, I update my status once a day and most of them are text updates and links. I am not the kind who bombards people with photo updates you see ;)

Wolframalpha Posting Frequency

It also went through my last 1001 posts and informed me that  I am most active on Facebook post dinner... till midnight. And on an average I get 3 likes and comments on my updates. Well, considering that I have only a small circle of friends on Facebook, it is good actually.

And you know how it is, right? Us guys have a tough time getting likes and comments on our updates (reaching out to all those guys whose funny/witty updates got pwned by a girl's "I bought a nail polish today" update).

But I digress.

Wolframalpha Post Stats

Wolfram Alpha also tells you what updates and photos of yours got the most comments and likes. And also those people who have commented on and shared most of your updates. These are your best friends. DON'T LOSE THEM!

After going through your Facebook activities, it starts exploring your Social Graph. The relationship status of your friends, their age distribution, location, political views, religious views, most common names, the ones with most mutual friends and the most impressive of the lot, Friend Network.

It tells you how connected your entire Facebook social graph is. Mine is a bit scattered.

WolframAlpha Friend Network

I wish I can use more images to explain how awesome Wolfram Alpha is, but the data is too private to be shared.

I would want you to give it a try and see it for yourself. It's a free tool anyway. So go ahead and give it a whirl and let me know in the comments below how your experience was.

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