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Rakesh Kumar
Updated On
New Update - Simplifying Your Social Media Integration

What is OneAll?

The phenomenal growth of social media has led to websites adding 'social logins' at their user registration pages which allows people to sign-up using their social profiles. The ones that ask you to 'Connect via Facebook' or 'Sign In With Twitter'.

OneAll is a plugin that simplifies your social login process makes it easier for your users to register with your site using their social media profiles.

Why Should I Use OneAll?

You must be wondering why should you use OneAll when you can use official plugins from Facebook and Twitter. Well, following are few reasons why you should be using it:

Increase Your Sign-up Rates

With the simple one click login, you will do away with those long forms and enable your readers to sign up easily. Technically known as 'Hybrid Onboarding' is has proved to increase the sign up rates by more than 90%.

Deep User Insights

Unlike conventional registration process which involves email confirmation, OneAll helps you fetch pre-validated email IDs. Thereby making it easier for you to reach out to them via emails.

It also provides you with richer information about the demography of your users.

social insights - user demographics


Moreover, you can also track user activity and see how many times they have signed in to your website after registering. You can track new registrations, repeat visits, social sharing and the resulting referral traffic. Using this data, you can figure out which social networks are most preferred by your users so that you can focus on those platforms that are more beneficial to you.

social insights - user details

Enable Existing Users Link to Their Social Accounts

You can also help your already registered users link to their social accounts. Hence getting deeper insights into your already present user database.

No Messy Codes

Facebook, Twitter, Google, Linkedin all have their own official codes for facilitating signups. So if you want to enable all of them (since they are ones used most widely) you will have copy-paste all that into your source code.

But with OneAll, all those messy lines of codes are gone. Just one click and your readers can sign in using their profiles from 20+ networks.

Turnkey Plugins

Most of the websites out there are powered by CMS such as Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. If you happen to own a site powered by any of these, you can install their free turnkey plugins and start rolling right away!

It's super easy to work with.

Social Sharing

Not only does it enable signing up, it also enables your users to share their comments, purchases and posts with their friends. The URL shortner in the API allows you to track the posts that have been shared and the traffic they resulted into.

How Does It Work?

The entire framework is backed by a Social REST API which accepts standardized requests in a wrapped format which it then forwards to the social networks. The response received is then wrapped into a standardized structure and the results are received in JSON/XML.

All the 20 different social sites have their own APIs and protocol and the REST API handles all of them in a seamless fashion.

What Can Be Improved?

I would love if they can monitor the activity of the user within the website once he/she logs in using the plugin. Will give me a much better idea about the how people from each social network work with my website.

I would also appreciate if they can make it easier for me to import the email database directly to my newsletter service provider such as MailChimp or Aweber.

But these are very early days and I am sure more features will be added later on. It is the best social login plugin out there and probably one of the easiest to use. Why don't you sign up yourself, try it and let us know in the comments below.

user demographics social login social api oneall insights