
Pinterest Introduces Secret Boards

Dhwani Gandhi
New Update
Pinterest Introduces Secret Boards

Pinterest on Thursday, 8th November,2012 launched its new feature 'Secret Boards' which is Pinterest's second most requested feature. It is accessible on both web and mobile versions of Pinterest.

The site has began testing private boards, which enables an individual to create upto three boards that can only be seen by them and anyone else they choose to share it with. According to Pinterest's blog post, existing boards cannot be made private because other people may have already repinned its contents. Secret boards can be made public at any time by switching the 'On' button to 'Off.'

“You can use secret boards to keep track of holiday gifts, plan a special event, or work on a project you aren’t yet ready to share with the rest of the world" , explains Pinterest software engineer Evrhet Milam on the website blog.

To create a secret board from the web, visit your profile and scroll down to the bottom. Then click 'Create a Secret Board'. You can also click Add+ on the top right-hand corner of Pinterest to select 'Create Board' and then turn the Secret button 'On'.

 Pinterest introduces Secret Boards

Pinterest also updated its Android and iOS apps with three new features. You can now download the latest versions from the official Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

To get Secret Boards on your mobile phone, go to your Profile, tap on the Boards tab and scroll down to the bottom until you see a button that says Create a Secret Board.

 Pinterest Secret Boards for IOS and Android

The company also revised its Privacy Policy with the new boards. The policy explains simply and clearly, what information the site collects whenever you log on. This includes the kind of device you're using, which websites you visit, and if you're using a mobile device, where you're pinning from. Check out the revised policy here.

Image Courtesy: Pinterest

google play store iOs Android Social media Secret Boards Pinterest