
SocialBro: Tool to Manage and Analyze your Twitter Community

Nirali Hingwala
Updated On
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About the tool:

SocialBro is an advanced solution for the management and analysis of Twitter communities. It lets Social Media professionals analyze in depth what their community is like, manage it and define/redefine their strategies.

Companies and agencies can increase the growth of their community, save time and monetize their social contacts via actionable stats and valuable data provided by SocialBro.


SocialBro was created by three software engineers based in Córdoba, Spain: Javier Burón,  Alfredo Artiles and Luis Pablo Pardo

What platforms does it cover?

SocialBro mainly covers Twitter.

Working with SocialBro

1. Browse your Twitter Community:

You can get accurate information about your community using different search criteria to find out exactly who shapes your community: where your followers are from, which language they speak, their activity on Twitter, etc.

SocialBro - Browse your Twitter Community

With SocialBro you can filter all your information to get more data. You can filter by:

  • Language,
  • Verified and non-verified users,
  • Followers and friends,
  • Followers/friends ratio,
  • Number of lists,
  • Age,
  • Number of tweets per day
  • Profiles with customized or default avatar
  • Profiles with URL or no URL
  • Time since last tweet
SocialBro -filters

2. Monitor a Hashtag: 

Monitoring hashtags is a great way to get in on a conversation on Twitter.

SocialBro lets you identify who are tweeting a hash tag or any word. It then gives you a comprehensive data about the hashtag and the people who used it.

It gives you insights about the influence, location, language, community size and lot many other data sets about the users who used that particular hashtag.

SocialBro monitoring hashtag

3. Monitoring Influencers: The free edition of SocialBro analyses your Twitter community with PeerIndex, a measurement of social influence in online communities connected by interests. PeerIndex provides information about how influential your contacts are. With this integration, you can discover influencers very easily and focus on engaging with those you consider worthwhile.

SocialBro Pro has a panel on your dashboard where you can see your Kred score by Influence and Outreach. Each profile has the Kred icon under the avatar, which shows the Influence and Outreach of the Twitter account.

You can filter your contacts using the Influence filter to visualize, for example, only those with a score higher than 500. You can also filter your lists and search Twitter for influential people within your market by combining filters.

4. Best Time to Tweet:  SocialBro also offers you the “Best Time to Tweet” feature to get the report for your top followers, any search, list, third party Twitter account, etc. You can choose the sample of users that you would like to know when they are online for e.g. members of a list, members of a search, your competitor’s followers, etc.

With this you can know when your audience is online. You can also export the report to a pdf file.

The Best Time to Tweet report is accessible from the dashboard and can be customized for the selected sample of users. The report consists of a matrix representation of an estimation of when your followers are tweeting, your best time to tweet in the next 24 hours and your best time to tweet for the week.

This feature helps you with increasing your potential exposure to your online followers by day, by week and by hour.

SocialBro best time to tweet

5. Competitor Analysis

Social bro helps you to have an in-depth knowledge about your competitors

You can enter the name of the Twitter account you want to analyze (eg. @competitor). SocialBro will synchronize the account and explore in the same way as it explores your account. In this case, it pre-filters “Followers who don’t follow you”, letting you know if you should follow them or add them to lists. In addition, it also searches for specific keywords (eg. social media) to find a specific target inside your competitor.

SocialBro Competitor Analysis

6. Twitter Lists Management: It allows you to organize your followers and friends in Twitter lists and updates your existing lists with the new members of your community. You can also analyze the characteristics of the lists' members: bio, location, etc.

7. Easy Follow/Unfollow Back Tools

  • Checks who isn't following you back
  • Detects the bots that follow/unfollow automatically
  • Checks who you aren't following back
  • Selects the users you want to follow back
  • Selects the users you want unfollow back
  • Discover who just unfollowed you

8. Search, Filter and Sort Twitter : You can find your target consumers using the advanced search fucntionality in the dashboard which helps you search Twitter based on keywords and location.

Features of the tool:

1. Dashboard: The dashboard helps you observe the progress of your community. Here, you can see the change in the number of your followers, your friends and influence. It gives you a broad idea about your community.

2. See your Twitter Community in a Map: This feature allows you to visualize the world wide distribution of your community as a map. You can also localize your followers from their Twitter location

3. Statistics and Insights: It allows you to see your community in charts. You can select insights of your entire community or separately of your followers, your friend, etc. You can also see the statistics of your competitors' Twitter accounts and export to a pdf file.

The charts are categorized according to language, time zones, profile privacy, custom and default avatar, verified users, number of followers, followers/friends ratio, twitter location, etc.

4. Real-time analytics: SocialBro helps you learn about the real-time state of your community at a glance and identify users who are on-line right now and interact with them.

If you have a multi-language account, the language chart feature helps you identify the best language to tweet in at any given time. Apps chart gives an idea of how active your community is in real-time.

The feature also shows the total number of followers of the on-line users. You can monitor a specific group of users, a hashtag or a key word applying the previously mentioned points to get an idea of how active they are.

5. Tag Clouds: This tool lets you find out what your community is talking about and its interests. With this  you can discover new topics to talk about and engage people.

SocialBro Tag Cloud

6. Track engagement: This tool helps you track all your engagements on Twitter. With this, you can visualize all your interaction tweets, that is, the tweets of those who have mentioned you and those who you have mentioned in your tweets.

There are two panels on the dashboard called “My influencers” and “I influence”. “My influencers” are the people who have influenced you, when you mention or retweet their tweets. While the users who have mentioned you or retweeted your content, appear in the “I influence” panel.

Social Bro also helps you look back through your timeline in order to not lose track of those people who you would like to connect with.

Scope of Improvement:

There are a few things that SocialBro could improve upon. Instead of relying on just one benchmark like kred/peerindex they should rely on the combined influence rank decided by peerindex, kred and klout.

While SocialBro gives you terrific analytics for your Twitter account, they should expand to more Social Media platforms.

Getting started:

To install SocialBro, visit the official site and click on “Get Started!”

There are two versions

  • SocialBro Cloud (Pro)
  • SocialBro Desktop (Free): Chrome and Adobe Air

If you want to download the free version of SocialBro, the Chrome app, is more stable and faster than the Adobe Air version.

SocialBro is constantly improving & adding more features to the web-app. The mobile app is also coming soon!

Recently, it was integrated in the HootSuite App Directory.

With this integration, you can now have the main information of your SocialBro dashboard in the HootSuite dashboard. This provides a practical solution for managing your community on a daily basis with two essential Social Media tools in one dashboard.

In short, Social Bro is an all-inclusive, practicable tool for scrutinizing Twitter data. Equipped with features automating day-to-day processes, SocialBro helps you stay on top of things

It can help you to be more productive, reorganize regular activities, and take advantage of all the benefits that Twitter has to offer.

twitter management peerindex kred Klout socialBro twitter analytics Community management