
Facebook Launches Verified Profiles and Pages like Twitter!

Aditya Gupta
New Update
Facebook Launches Verified Profiles and Pages like Twitter!

Facebook just copied Twitter..and how! Facebook announced a new feature - verified pages and profiles for celebrities, popular brands etc. Just like the blue tick on Twitter's verified accounts, verified Facebook profiles and pages will show a blue tick mark next to their names.

Facebook Verified Profile

Here's what Facebook mentioned -

Today we're launching verified Pages to help people find the authentic accounts of celebrities and other high-profile people and businesses on Facebook. Verified Pages have a small, blue check mark beside their name on timelines, in search results, and elsewhere on Facebook. Verified Pages belong to a small group of prominent public figures (celebrities, journalists, government officials, popular brands and businesses) with large audiences. This update is rolling out to profiles as well.

This isn't the first time a social network has implemented a feature looking at another. Twitter copied profile header/cover images, Facebook changed the Subscribe tag to Follow, And now, Facebook picked the verified profile/page status just after Pinterest did. Wonder what's next!?

Facebook Profile Facebook verified Pages