
Sanjay Mehta on The best ways Brands can use Twitter

Bhagyashree Rewatkar
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Sanjay Mehta on The best ways Brands can use Twitter

A tweet, a few mentions, more followers, a contest, trending topic is how one can summarize a brand's activity on twitter today, competing with each other for maximum number of followers and a trending position. Brands today realize the importance of Twitter and how this platform can help them grow their business and reach the masses.

But it's easier said than done. Almost every brand is present and is doing their best to attract loyal customers. Merely being a brand with a good name won't help you gain those followers. It's the 'Content' that plays the tiger in the circus. How you stand out on a users overflowing twitter timeline and make him stop and hit that 'follow' button should be your start point.

Learn the best ways a brand can use twitter from one of the experts from the industry, Mr. Sanjay Mehta while he uses popular examples to convey his points and talks about the various opportunities on twitter.

Twitter is about being a personality and making conversations. Personalize your brand and get into one on one conversations. Carry your brand image in the tweets you put out. Think, conceptualize and implement the points mentioned in the video and you are good to go.

Featured Image source: Start Blogging Online

Sanjay Mehta Twitter how brands can use twitter