
Social Media Campaign Review : Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race

Nirali Hingwala
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Social Media Campaign Review : Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race

Pepsi India, the official sponsor of IPL makes an effort to connect all its Social Pages through an engaging game. Adapting to the fragmented media world, Pepsi India has launched its integrated - VIP Box Race Campaign.


The campaign aims at engaging its fan base with a brain teasing clues and hints with an integrated approach.


Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race gives you a chance to win exclusive tickets for the IPL VIP Box! To win this race, you need to be the quickest one to find 20 clues hidden across the microsite and Pepsi's social pages like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages.

Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race - Pepsi IPL Contest to race to the Pepsi VIP Box how to play

20 riddles represented by 20 objects are spread across the stadium. You have to solve the clues using the correct codes. These codes are hidden on Pepsi's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest pages. Some codes can also be found around you in the real world, while some others can be searched on search engines.

Once you enter the correct code, the object will be automatically added to your inventory list. You score 100 runs for solving each of the 20 questions and a bonus of 500 runs for the final winner. The game will run for 10 days and the first one to solve all the riddles will win the race. You can take a look at the leader board to see where you are standing.

Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race - Pepsi IPL Contest to race to the Pepsi VIP Box

Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race - Pepsi IPL Contest to race to the Pepsi VIP Box clue


Elements of the game such as hints, clues, problem solving let fans express their creative sides. They stay highly engaged as they find answers to each of these clues and are instantly rewarded with scores.

Thanks to the campaign, fans minutely scan through each of the Social pages of Pepsi. Codes are hidden in their Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook presence. Here is an example of clues pinned in one of the boards.

Pepsi India PinterestI see an integrated approach - the Pepsi micro-site is synced to its social pages. The questions asked are fun and brain racking, a great appetite for the mind! Some of these clues are not just offline, but you need to find the answers in the real world - For example, questions like what is the the height of Pepsi my can makes you buy one. Likewise, every player has a different set of questions so there is no chance of cheating.

In case your answer is wrong, you can try again. It makes you keep coming back to the game, until you find all the answers. Coupled with a neat design and smooth interface, Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race is a foolproof campaign!

Scope of Improvement:

I feel there could have been some more offline integration to spice it up!


This is a perfect example of an integrated social media campaign that is amazingly executed! Clues, hints codes and scores make it more intriguing.

Pepsi IPL VIP Box Race Guess the hints contest