
Social Media Case Study: Ahmedabad Blood Group by

Social Samosa
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New Update ahmedabad

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Ahmedabad experienced a minor hiccup (earthquake jerk) in the month of April which shook all Ahmedabad citizens’ lives. It made people remember those horrifying moments of the 2001 earthquake. CityShor team realized that in cases of such natural disasters and other emergencies, one of the most urgent needs is to find blood donors of a certain blood type which can often be difficult in such emergencies. attempted to find a solution for the difficulties of finding blood donors in times of need in the most creative and fastest ways and guess what – it was successful.


CityShor created 8 Facebook groups based on the blood group types. The entire CityShor audience (currently close to 80,000) was asked to join one of the eight different Facebook Blood Groups - A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+ and O-.

All that a person had to do was join the group and submit their requirement when needed - this will help people reach out to large number of Ahmedabad people with the same blood group in quickest possible time.


A Large number of people have appreciated the effort, close to 1000 people have joined these groups which are increasing on a gradual basis and people have also posted their blood group requirements on these groups. You can check out people’s comment and their appreciation on this link.

ahmedabad blood group cityshorcom

blood groups blood donation Facebook Groups ahmedabad Social Media Case Study