
Social Media Campaign Review: Classmate Celebrates Children's Day with Facebook Contest

Mariam Noronha
Updated On
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classmate facebook contest

Classmate, a well established brand in notebooks in India, took the opportunity to grab the spotlight for the brand and its offerings with a Facebook Contest in time for Children’s Day this year.

classmate celebrate uniquenessObjectives

To leverage and position the Classmate brand as a media savvy brand with a heart. As a notebook brand, children comprise a large chunk of their target audience, and what better way to grab their attention than to have a Facebook contest that lets them celebrate their unique talent?


Hosted as a Facebook contest, which is a week long celebration of uniqueness, the contest runs from November 12th, 2013 to November 19th, 2013. To enter this contest, you need to log onto their fan page on Facebook and follow these steps:

  1. Like the page.
  2. Share your cool picture reflecting your unique talent/ability in the comments section.
  3. And simply wait for an awesome surprise!


  • The contest is open to Facebook fans of ‘ITC Classmate.'
  • Only Indian residents will be eligible to win the contest.
  • Age limit 13-22 years.


Winners stand a chance to get a personalised doodle from Classmate.

classmate 2Positives

The contest is well timed and has a good, well thought out central theme.  By getting participants involved through photos and comments sharing their hobbies or abilities, Classmate takes involvement and engagement a notch higher. It celebrates the fact that each one of us is unique and thus extends its brand proposition to a wider realm.

It helps that its fan base comprises more than 1,06,000 people, so it’s no surprise that the contest has drawn a good response. Till today morning, 5 winners have already been announced and each of them has a personalized doodle by Classmate.  Their Facebook page is abuzz with photos, comments, and updates related to the contest, which is for the better, since the contest is essentially Facebook based.

The age group of the participants is restricted to 13-22 years which also lets teens and young adults participate, thereby widening its reach.

classmate 3Scope for Improvement

Perhaps adding an offline edge to the contest might have boosted the response? ITC Classmates could have gone beyond giving prizes away and instead come up with an offline activity that would delight the winners.

Twitter could have been used better to supplement the online buzz around the campaign.


In entirety, the contest is an apt way of celebrating Childrens' Day. By letting people celebrate their uniqueness, Classmate has added the necessary personal touch to this digital campaign. The prize, which is in the form of a personalized doodle, is far better than a cash prize simple because it’s more about people and not about money. The core message that each one of us is unique comes across very well in this endeavour.

Facebook Campaign Social Media Campaign Childrens day classmate Facebook Contest