
Facebook Launches Trending Topics

Rakesh Kumar
New Update
Trending Topics on Facebook

I fear the day when it will become difficult for us to differ one social networking site from another. After adopting Hashtags, Facebook will soon be rolling out the Trending Topics feature.

As shared by Chris Struhar on Facebook Newsroom, the feature is "designed to surface interesting and relevant conversations in order to help you discover the best content from all across Facebook."

In the coming two weeks, the update will roll out to selected countries like US, UK, India, Canada & Australia; followed by launch in other countries and a launch on the mobile app.

Trending Topics on Facebook

The trending topics will be showcased on the top right corner (above the sidebar) and is based upon your interests and what topics are making waves across Facebook in general. Unlike Twitter, Facebook will display just three trending topics along with the headlines explaining why they are popular. Clicking on the trending topics will take you to posts shared by your friends or pages that are talking about that topic.

To be honest, it was something that was on the cards after Facebook integrated hashtags in their interface.

Ads Will Soon Target Hashtags

Going forward, it is being expected that Facebook will soon allow advertisers to target ads based on the hashtags people are using in their updates. With the "Twitterization" of Facebook's interface, I won't be surprised if that happens at all. And it will only be a good move from Facebook, in my opinion.

What do you think about Trending Topics on Facebook? Like it or not? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Trending Topics Facebook chris struhar