
Social Media Campaign Review : Trendspotters Aims To Find India’s Trendsetters Through A Digital-Focused Contest

Sanchit Khera
Updated On
New Update

Introduction: is a platform for all things hip, cool & trending. It’s a website that focuses on the latest trends in technology, fashion, events and entertainment. From wearable electronics to Wendell Rodricks, they’ve got something for everyone.


Trendspotters wanted to generate buzz in the community through the effective execution of this campaign. To achieve this objective, they leveraged their fan following of 40,000+ to participate and to deliver.


The campaign required asking the community of Trendspotters to upload pictures of interesting trends that they noticed to win INR 1,00,000. The contest was designed to find those Tendsetters that walked the earth unnoticed- until now. The campaign was promoted on Trendspotters’ Facebook and Twitter pages, where fans were asked to go on the hunt and upload pictures with tag lines that talked about the trends that moved them. The brand also made a application through which users can upload entries and comment on other entries.




Various Facebook posts were updated to promote the application.

fb post


On Twitter, the brand tagged several users can promoted the contest through the hash-tag #IamATrendSpotter



The campaign was innovative in its ideation, as it could tap into the myriad trending of state-wide fashions, underground university technology, and provide sneak-peaks of the latest entertainment spots in India.

The Facebook landing page for the contest was crafted beautifully, with a strong emphasis on UI and creativity. With easy access to the gallery, leaderboard, and prizes section, Trendspotters made it easier for a person to engage with the contest right from the initial point of contact.

After clicking on the 'participate' option, the application automatically used your display picture and placed it as your Trendsetter display image. This type of integration improved the experience for the participant, and created a stronger impact in the minds of the user.

Scope for improvement

Trendspotters has a mobile application that was not integrated with the campaign. People who downloaded the application could have clicked a picture and uploaded it directly from their devices. Since almost every mobile device has a camera now, the extension of the campaign across devices could have increased the participation rate.



The campaign aimed to target the trend setters across the country, however there were certain drawbacks in terms of core execution. A good attempt at thinking out of the box, however it could have been much bigger.


trendspotters TV Campaign Review Fashion Facebook Twitter Entertainment events technology community