
Social Media Campaign Review: Max Life Insurance Gamifies Your e-Life to Promote its Term Plan

Parampara Patil Hashmi
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max life insurance


Max Life Insurance e-Life Value campaign aimed to create a psychological impact by providing a glimpse of the fear of losing assets by assuming e-life value.



Max Life launched an interesting Facebook application on their official fan page. The application calculates the value of your e-life (social media life) on 3 major platforms- Facebook, Twitter and Google+ by evaluating the number of friends, followers, updates, likes, tweets, followers, circles and other online activities in a monitory value.

It then offers you a chance to avail luxury products to suit your e-life financial status. It looks much like a gaming application.

By the time you have made your choice and proceeded further, the app surprises you with some time consumption and by further erasing your friends and contacts on Facebook, creates a short moment of the anxiety of ‘lost wealth’. As soon as the value of your e-life is re-evaluated to nil, a pop-up message reminds you that this anxiety was just about your virtual life, you could save such traumas in your real life by getting insured with Max Life. For the same, there is a direct link to the online insurance buying option on their official website and the other option allows you to heave a sigh of relief by reclaiming your e-life.

max life insurance


The Max Life e-Life Value application very effectively establishes the purpose and the core values of the brand.

Considering that the television advertising campaigns have been on similar lines, the campaign remains much in sync as an integrated campaign.

The application is an interesting one-of-a-kind campaign with a creative and psychological edge. It stands out for its simplicity and uniqueness. Also commendable is the way they have integrated the purchase option within the campaign.

Scope of Improvement

  • Extending the campaign on other platforms could make it more popular.
  • Use of music and sound tools could add more impact to the application.
  • Also, listing testimonials could be a great way to add credibility to the purpose of the brand.


The Max Life e-Life value application on Facebook is an extremely impressive campaign with a desired effect and impact. With little consumption of time, the application successfully conveys the purpose and the core values of the brand with immediate options of further action. It is unique, impressive and thought provoking. In fact, the psychological impact of this application is deeper than its television commercials.

This one calls for a double thumbs up!

google plus Social Media Campaign Twitter Max Life Insurance E-Life Value Facebook Application