
Social Media Platform Feature: Rinema - A Platform to Share your Love for Cinema

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Social Media Platform Feature: Rinema -  A Platform to Share your Love for Cinema

About the Platform

Rinema is bit like Goodreads; while Goodreads caters to books, Rinema is concerned with movies. It’s a place for movie lovers around the world to share their love of cinema, discover interesting films to watch and meet other like minded film buffs in the process.



We are a team of three. Myself, Grishma Udani - Founder, Danish and Pritesh.

Founder: I am an IIT Kanpur graduate and prior to Rinema, I co-founded and profitably ran another startup called Whirlybird Electronics where we made Inertial Navigation Systems for clients like Indian Navy, Honeywell, ISRO etc.

Whom do we cater to?

Film Buffs around the world.

What do we offer to our consumers?

Rinema Home page

Rinema helps you do two things: keep track of movies that you watch and discover new ones that you would enjoy watching. We have a slightly different approach to discovery though; we believe that the best movie recommendations come from people who share your taste in cinema. So we first help you find such people, “taste buddies” as we call them, and then get their recommendations for movies.

What motivated us to start up?

I have been using Goodreads since its early days and I love it. I wished there was such a service for movies so I went ahead and built it.

What's in a name?

Rinema has been derived from Rendezvous with Cinema.

I was thinking of the site as a meeting place for movie lovers. So, I put “Rendezvous” and “Cinema” in a name generator and it suggested Rinema which sounded nice plus the dot com was available.

How do we see Social Media?

Did you know that “Hugo” would have never have been released in India had it not been for all the movie buffs badgering the studio on Twitter for its release?

Once upon a time people relied on newspaper reviews of films, today people trust the word on social media much more. Once you might have thought yourself to be the only crazy person to like certain kinds of films, today you could go on Rinema and find a dozen others just like you .

Currently we are....

Both as a team and as your consumer base we are a team of 3. And, we have users in 160+ countries who have added 3,00,000+ movies to their profiles.

Our biggest challenge was..

When I started, I did not know anything about web development or UI/UX and had to spend quite a few months learning the stuff and finding the right people to join the team.

We want to dominate the world by..

By building the best place for movie lovers online. We want to be the first site a movie lover goes to before and after watching a film.

We’re making moolah by...

Monetization is not a priority right now. But, in the long term, we plan to build tools for indie film makers to be able to sell/promote their movies via Rinema.

Our What The **** Moment

That would be getting featured in Pakistani press.

We didn’t know about it and when we suddenly observed an unusually high amount of traffic and signups, I freaked out, I thought somebody was hacking our site or something. Also, google analytics showed them as direct visits, albeit from different IPs.

Luckily, some of those people started sending feedback so, I asked them how they had heard about us. And then I got to know that Pakistani local newspapers, as in the ones in print, had written about us. That was a huge relief and also a very pleasant surprise.

Industry as we foresee

Bigger and brighter. Hopefully, it will also aid the growth of Indie Cinema by giving Indie Film makers smarter and more cost-effective avenues to promote their films and by giving film buff access to films from around the world.

Lastly, Are you hiring?

Yes, and we are especially looking for a movie buff who can handle social media well. Checkout .

Social Media Platform Monetization Whirlybird Electronics watch films rinema movie platform love for cinema