
Why Mahabharata in 100 Tweets at #TwitterFiction Festival Gained Instant Popularity

Palak Sachdeva
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Twitter Fiction Festival

Mahabharata, the name itself intimidates you enough to be scared of opening the Maha-book and read it!

And, hence there have been multiple efforts in the past to make it simpler and palatable in the form of Amar Chitra Katha, animated films, TV serials, etc. But this one beats them all. Can you guess what?

Ok, I am talking about "Mahabharata in 100 Tweets"

Now, doesn't that sound interesting?

This is how it all started...

Twitter Book And, I knew right then that I was going to follow @MeghnaPant and follow this whole series of tweets. To make it more gripping, @MeghnaPant even crowdsourced on which part of Mahabharata her readers were more interested in, hence adding to an interactive aspect of the whole activity:

100 tweet Mahabharat

The Epic began :100 tweet Mahabharat

The tweeple were absolutely loving it:

retweets And then there was THE WAR :P

100 tweet Mahabharat And, there was so much more people were saying:

retweets retweets The truly amazing part of this whole series was, that @MeghnaPant was seeking no attention, using no hashtag. And she still had 100's of people passionately reading it, the proof being the graph of rising followership of @MeghnaPant:

100 tweet Mahabharat followers

Everyone was talking and appreciating and covering this Hero initiative of #TwitterFiction festival including Mumbai Mirror, Ibnlive, etc. Claps truly for such an out of the box thinking and implementation!

While I truly loved the initiative, I personally felt that it was difficult for someone who has not read Mahabharata even once, to follow and understand. The language had a poetic touch to it which was difficult to relate with and the characters needed introduction, which was not possible in just 100 tweets.

Nevertheless, the initiative was unbeatable and absolutely beautiful, and we definitely need more such innovative ideas happening on twitter.


Mahabharata TV serials Mumbai Mirror Mahabharata in 100 tweet Ibnlive animated films Amar Chitra Katha #TwitterFiction festival @MeghnaPant retweet