
Social Media Case Study: How Naturals India's #ThePurpleBoxReveal Dominated Twitter for a Week

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New Update
Naturals India case study

Brand Name

Naturals India

Agency Name

Blugrass Studios


  • Build Hype around Kareena Reveal so that through the entire week every one's focus would be on naturals
  • Develop an asset/ property which Naturals can use for future sale promotions.


  • The first video is used to show that a shikari finds the purple box but it requires 6 tasks to be completed for the box to open.
  • Tweeps are asked to complete the tasks.
  • The second video comes after the completion of three activities, where they try to open it again, but it says "three more to go!"
  • The third video comes after all the activities are completed, and the purple box is opened. Tweeps are asked to stay tuned for the reveal!

The Purple Box Reveal Feb 8th – 12 th; 5 Elements associated with the box would be revealed. One element each day-

  • Solutions to all your beauty Needs
  • Surprise gifts and offers
  • Unique experiences and sweet memories
  • Makeovers, to make you feel like a celebrity
  • The grand reveal of Kareena Kapoor; nearly 6000 tweets were recorded regarding the reveal function
  • Reinforcing the brand color, purple, with love


They had developed the concept of the purple box which can be used for sales promotions in future, like 'whats in the purple box for Diwali' etc. Also, they had around 20 million timeline deliveries in the week prior to the launch, and they recorded 6k tweets on the day of the launch, where they did live eventon Twitter.
  • Total Tweets - 24,097
  • Impressions – 9.6 Million
  • Contributors – 1200 +
  • Reach – 1.6 Million
  • Sentiment Score - 84
  • Timeline Deliveries – 20 Million

On Feb 3rd, they had also trended worldwide for a brief period of time .

Reach impressions Twitter Tweeps Sentiment Score Naturals India Makeovers kareena kapoor Blugrass Studios #ThePurpleBoxReveal