
Social Media Case Study : How Sahara Q Shop Increased Its Fanbase by 31.7% in Just 2 Months

Social Samosa
New Update
Sahara Q Shop

Brand Name:

Sahara Q Shop

Agency Name:

Brandlogist Communications Consultancy


Sahara Q Shop recently crossed the benchmark of 50000 fans on Facebook and around 800 followers on twitter, which was done by creating a positive brand image, using a campaign with a social objective.


The objective of the campaign was to create thought leadership and to inspire people so that they think about bringing a change in this world. We made sure to keep our focus on a social element so that we can engage maximum audience on Facebook and twitter.

Insights and Idea:

Keeping in mind the objective of the campaign, our idea was quite simple and based on essentially 3 elements:

  • Engagement.
  • Creativity.
  • The types of entries.


On the basis of these 3 elements we ran the entire campaign. We chose a topic which would drive maximum engagement i.e. a simple question which can have multiple answers “What is the kind of world you would want to leave for the future generations?”

In order to make sure that the participants make strong efforts and just don’t send in random posts and thoughts, creativity was given a high weightage and the same was communicated to the participants.

Lastly, we truly capitalized on the freed of expression as the participants were allowed to send in their entries either through tweet, post, image, painting or even a video.


  • We created a tab on Facebook wherein we would get the people redirected through our ads campaign, the tab specifically had a like gate so that we can even record traffic.

 Sponsored Sahara Q Shop Ad 1

  • We created various posts around the topic so that we can drive a conversation on Facebook and twitter regarding our topic.

Sahara Q Shop

We used the hashtag #Qshop

  • Through ORM we targeted certain keywords, relevant to our topic to reach out to people who are actually talking about or are interested in changing the world.

 Sahara Q Shop  twitter tweet

Sahara Q Shop

We received numerous entries through various participants describing their views on what kind of a world they would want to leave.

Sahara Q Shop  twitter tweet

Sahara Q Shop  twitter tweet

Sahara Q Shop  twitter tweet

Sahara Q Shop  twitter tweet with youtube


We received more than 3,000 entries through Facebook and twitter. People from all over the country took part in expressing their views on what can be done to make sure that we can leave a better world for our future generations.

More than 1.2 million timeline deliveries on the hashtag #Qshop, we were able to deliver a positive brand image.

We managed to increase the fanbase by 31.7% in just 2 months.

Sahara Q Shop

Reached to 90% Influence on Twitter with 70% Engagement.

Sahara Q Shop graph

Sahara Q Shop  twitter tweet

Brandlogist Communications Consultancy Engagement Facebook Twitter sahara q shop #Qshop ORM brand image