Social Media Agency Feature: Ergo - A Digital Marketing Agency

Social Samosa
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Who are we?

Most people build websites and think their job is done.

What they don’t realize is - there is a science and an art to building websites that convert and an absolute science to making sure your target audience finds your website amidst the noise.

Ergo is committed to creating a digital marketing road map and then building the road to last by making sure your target audience finds it, engages with it and most importantly - earns you revenue.

What's in the name?

Ergo means therefore.

We’ve found a huge disconnect in the digital marketplace between the perceived need for digital services and the actual understanding of it. We decided to fill that gap. Ergo was born.

What we do?

We specialize in Website Strategy and Design, Social Media Strategy, Search Engine Optimization & Marketing, Display Media, Digital Communications Strategy, Cross-platform Website Optimization, Mobile Websites & Apps, Market Plan Audit & Augmentation, Market Penetration Plan.

Why we do it?

The simple answer? Because we are passion-driven, knowledgeable folks who hate to see digital crimes being committed.

Seriously—how many agencies out there claim to know how to (really) build a website. We’re not just talking development. We’re talking effectiveness (ie- are you making money off your investment of building a site?). It takes a lot of effort and a lot of commitment and not many agencies are treating marketing this way.

Some of our team members have worked in large US agencies and are skilled at understanding digital marketing from a global perspective. The need for optimized websites and marketing is greater than ever before because people are carrying smart phones everywhere. Smart phones mean internet access. Internet access means digital marketing.

That’s why we’re in it.

How we evolved?

We set out with our sister concern Technology Company – Tekege Solutions way back in 2004. That was when the digital space was new-fangled and technology was trouncing everything.

Well, developers and technologists can’t really code without design-- even basic design. Tekege Solutions was forced into a cozy little corner that now had to offer design services for their ultra-complex developments.

With design comes all the other thought patterns. Who is this for? What does it do? Why are you building it? And so on…

And with that comes terms like “target audience”, “conversion”, “usability” and “find ability”. Services like optimized site designs, SEO, SEM were just a natural next component.

That’s how Ergo Agency evolved to become a full service digital agency.

Social responsibility in social media

Social responsibility in social media is hardly a debate nowadays. Crowd policing content consumption makes it very difficult to “get-away” with half-baked untruths and hiding controversies.

There are so many amazing stories out there that support the above. Revolutions have been fueled (Arab Spring, anyone?) with the help of social media. People have never been more socially connected before and it really is an amazing thing to watch!

Need of the hour

People that understand digital marketing—its value, its strength and its necessity.

We will never grow tired of picking up those calls and explaining why it’s so important for businesses today.

We learned the hard way

We’ve been battling the negligent yet fervent potential customer wanting digital services, reading the proposal and not getting it.

Our sales cycle is long (a much better disposition than “non-existent”). People need months to digest, research and learn by themselves. We often let them make mistakes (by opting for the basement coders and cheap agencies) and eagerly greet them with open arms when they’re ready.

We learned that the hard way.

Did we just share that?

We insist on doing target based marketing. We have executed eMail campaigns for our clients as late as 2am at night ,Indian time, as the campaign demanded US audience- yeah- we could have automated that but with a solid commitment to quality- we just want to take a risk.

They work with us

Big Dance Centre, Worlds of Wonder, Shiv Nadar Schools, Indique hair and few others.

Industry as we foresee

The next few years is all about awareness. The Indian digital marketplace needs to catch up to the world.

It will.

And we will be there when it does.

A day without Internet

A day without internet…is a thing of the past. If it were to happen, I dunno- maybe we’d learn to garden or something?

Lastly, are you hiring?

We are always looking for good talent.

Social media digital marketing agency Social Media Agency Feature Ergo