
Facebook Launches Mobile Application Slingshot; Available to Indian Users Soon!

Maitreyee Manglurkar
New Update
Facebook Launches Mobile Application Slingshot; Available to Indian Users Soon!

Facebook launched Slingshot on 17th June, 2014 that'll let users exchange 'vanishing' photos and videos without Facebook accounts.


Slingshot enthusiasts can sign up for the service with their mobile phone number and connect with friends in their phone’s contact list or by finding Facebook friends.

Photos shared on Slingshot disappear from users’ phones shortly after viewing.

Snapchat, a similar photo sharing mobile application, reportedly turned down a $3 billion acquisition offer from Facebook last year.

Unlike other messaging apps, Slingshot will not allow users to view the messages they have received from their friends until they reply with a photo or video. The rule is designed to make Slingshot a service for which everyone contributes material, although it risks confusing or turning off a few users.

"When everyone participates there's less pressure, more creativity and even the little things in life can turn into awesome shared experiences," Facebook said in a blog post.

Whether or not this move was made to diverge Snapchat users is something that only time will tell. Facebook has been on a spree of acquisitions.

Facebook's launch of stand alone comes as an effort to avoid losing market to other competitive social media platforms. Having said that, the social media industry can safely await more such independent application from Facebook Inc.

Facebook Mobile App slingshot SnapChat