
A New Way of Influencer Marketing: Build a Twitter Brand Ambassador Out of an Influencer

Apeksha Harihar
Updated On
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Twitter Brand Ambassador

Twitter Brand Ambassador is an exciting concept that can culminate into a trend and be the next step to an influencer engagement campaign. As self-descriptive as it sounds, a brand can pick popular influencers in their sector and popularize them as the brand’s Twitter Brand Ambassador. The in-depth thought here is that this concept can prove to be highly sustainable and can be effective in building a long term brand outreach among its consumers.

A Twitter brand ambassador can lead a brand’s presence on various Twitter conversations, endorse for them and be one among the consumer who is the voice of the product/service the brand so endearingly markets.

Here are 5 ways a Twitter Brand Ambassador can help you:

Spam less

Influencer engagement campaigns are becoming the most saturated trend on the micro blogging platform. The intent might be to reach as many users as possible, but the objective is getting lost amongst the rising disbelief among users.

As a user, I follow 10 influencers and see all of them jump into a conversation together and realize that a xyz brand is promoting itself. It is great to jump into this conversation and participate but how often can this hold my attention? It begins to get spammy and spammy to an extent that it has a negative effect on branding.

Instead, I look up to 1 influencer who I know stands for the brand and I can easily connect to their tweets if I am a fan of that brand. It gives me a choice to follow/unfollow that twitter brand ambassador. My loyalties are then much more valuable.

Gain Loyalty

Creating a wave of tweets and having your hashtag trend offers you a reach among millions of twitter users in India. But does it serve the purpose of building loyalty, the core of any marketing initiative?

On the other hand, popular activities undertaken by a Twitter brand ambassador will drive a strong connect among an audience who will then feel closer to the brand. This will in turn take care of loyalties. A Twitter brand ambassador can share content that is exciting to its highly targeted followers and build brand relevance. These followers will then start believing in your brand.

Connect Better

Brand ambassador is often associated with a celebrity. But a brand ambassador should be the one who truly believes and endorses the brand among other consumers. And this in most cases is a common loyal consumer of the brand. Elevating a twitter influencer who is a common consumer of the brand to a position of a celebrity will weave a positive image of the brand among a million common users.

It also serves the purpose of indirect marketing.

Ride on Popularity

Influencers already have a huge fan following online. Instead of riding on each one’s popularity for a limited period of time, a brand’s official announcement of roping in 1 influencer for a longer duration not only ensures more reach, but also plays on the psychology of the consumer.

It portrays a futuristic image of the brand, one that is evolved. Being where their TG wants them to be!

Experience v/s Talks    

Experiencing a brand’s service/product from such close quarters and through the experience of someone as common as a consumer will have farfetched results, as opposed to regular content buckets on the brand’s channel. Offering an experience is quickly becoming one of the best ways to have your consumers believe in the product.

Though India has not seen this development yet, I am confident this will take lead sooner than you think.

Go on, share your thoughts on this strategy!

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marketing Twitter Influencer marketing twitter influencers Social media Branding twitter brand ambassador influencer engagement campaign