
Twitter Opens it Analytics to Everyone: Start Tracking Your Data!

Social Samosa
New Update

In what could be termed as the best thing that ever happened to Twitter users, the analytics dashboard has been thrown open to everyone.

Previously accessible only to advertisers, now anyone who is a Twitter user can see the impact generated by his/her tweets.

Currently, the dashboard displays the impressions and engagement for your tweets along with your community size and it's composition (more or less).

News - Twitter Analytics

The charts & graphs are well made and must say they are much better than Facebook insights.

Another remarkable fact about the analytics dashboard is that the impression count is way different than what other tools show - who count your entire community size as the impression. And since this data is coming from Twitter itself, there shouldn't be any doubts over its veracity.

In all this, you can hope to see a huge drop in the number of impression counts bragged about by agencies and brands for their campaigns. Also, as brands & agencies, you can use this to verify the effectiveness of the influencers you're working with.

Other than just advertisers & verified users having access to the analytics dashboard, the fact that users can now monitor the engagement of each of their tweets is real good news!

Some what similar to Google Analytics, allows you to track the performance of each & every tweet you put up. Right from the number of people who saw your tweet, to the number of people who actually clicked on your links can now be traced by users.

Here’s a step by step guide you can follow to use Twitter Analytics to your best advantage:

  • To get started, simply login to with your username & password.
  • Monitor how many people have seen your tweet in real time.

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  • You can easily compare your monthly activity of tweets & the engagement it gains along with tracking the increase or decrease in your followers.

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  • You can view details like the Engagement Rate, Link Clicks, Replies, Favorites, Retweets.

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  • You can view a gender wise break up of your followers, their location & interest on Twitter & also view their followers.


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This will now help users improve their tweets by allowing them to peek into details

The twitter analytics dashboard is now accessible to every Twitter account that has been open for at least 14 days and sends out tweets in English, French, Japanese, or Spanish!

It excludes accounts that are either protected, restricted or suspended.

If you seem to fulfill the above mentioned criteria, you can quickly check out the engagement rate of your tweets right here –

Please Note – The analytics will not show you details about tweets as soon as you visit Put out a tweet after you've visited  the dashboard. Also it wont give out details of your earlier tweets.

campaign measurement twitter analytics Twitter News analytics dashboard