Strepsils, has successfully launched its first digital marketing campaign called #AbMontuBolega. The campaign run by DigitasLBI cleverly plays on the brand message through their campaign which nudges people to speak up and raise their opinion.
The riding force of this campaign is the character Montu, a wise but silent spectator, who has been on occasions left mum though he wanted to. Now, with the help of Strepsils he is able to give his wisdom a voice. Montu also plays the role of a facilitator by providing subjects that the TA can discuss/ raise their opinion.
The main aim of #AbMontuBolega campaign is to “Speak your Heart out! Khol Ke Bolo”. It urges an emotion within a user, a marketing strategy that effectively captures a social user’s attention.
Strepsils has grasped the mentality of the society suppressing an individual’s freedom of expression and how this individual doesn’t get a chance to speak up for what is right for him/her.
Through its teasers #AbMontuBolega campaign has cleverly highlighted few key topics prevalent in the modern Indian society such as women safety, education , infrastructure and a few others. Montu, portrayed by actor Saqib Salim, constantly faces social situations where he is under parental pressure or peer pressure and doesn’t get to voice his opinion in the discussion.
Strepsils has hence the used tagline, “Kyunki bin bole ab nahi chalega, Strepsils ke saath #AbMontuBolega.” They have successfully depicted this with a few teasers on Facebook and Twitter. The tagline is bold and undertakes a societal change.
A video has been made on Youtube which again reinforces the message through a storytelling approach. It has received over 1 lakh views.
Voice to Twitter Users
#AbMontuBolega campaign wants the youth of India to emerge and bring forth their rightful opinion with Montu because a Montu exists in everyone. Users have started tweeting with #AbMontuBolega and their tweets highlight the changes they wish to see in our society.
@StrepsilsIndia One Should Speak His Mind No Matter What Others Will Think About It. #AbMontuBolega
— Prathamesh Avachare (@onlyprathamesh) October 9, 2014
@StrepsilsIndia Open potholes are literally waiting with open mouths to devour us; speaking up is mandatory #AbMontuBolega
— SmileTheMiles (@MehekMahtani) October 8, 2014
@StrepsilsIndia No More Victim of Domestic Violence! Raise your Voice against evil and #AbMontuBolega
— Divya G (@divyaszaika) October 9, 2014
@StrepsilsIndia Lighting Crackers and adding to the air pollution ke against #AbMontuBolega
— SmileTheMiles (@MehekMahtani) October 9, 2014
An interactive microsite has been created for users too. The campaign is truly digital at heart and has been cleverly marketed on their exclusive online platform.
This campaign has been targeted at the youth has been very well received. The campaign efficiently captures the protagonist’s journey through various interesting situations in his life. The product has been smartly paced within the campaign.