Max Bupa Gets 10,000 plus Participants to #WalkforHealth

Aditya Bhatkal
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Max Bupa Gets 10,000 plus Participants to #WalkforHealth

In order to support ‘the health factor’ Max Bupa Health Insurance with its flagship event ‘The Walk For Health’ aimed to touch 15,000 plus participants all driven through social media. The result: A digital wave spanned over 30 days that came very close to the original target. With the simple motive to walk for health Max Bupa reiterated the importance of simple good health through the campaign below.


With efficient outdoor activation through a large scale walkathon, Max Bupa’s simple objective was to “Drive over 15,0000 families to walk for health” in the cities of Delhi and Mumbai.


The execution of the campaign was four-fold with the following platforms being used aggressively.


An application on Facebook driven through boost post ads, campaign promotion ads, and interactive posts was created. Here’s a glimpse.

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The app urged users to take a pledge. A pledge for something directly related to Max Bupa Health Insurance’s service offerings; a pledge to walk to maintain good health.

This encouraged the user to add in family members as well to spread the word. The reason the user would share this? Higher the reach contributed by a single user, better the chances at taking away the goodies offered by the sponsors.

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The flow of the app was rather simplistic, easy to understand and drove the point home easily and i.e. Walk! And have others join in to share the advantage good health.

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You could also glimpse into what you were up for on the final day through a gallery of walkers all of which were displayed in the app.

Result: The Facebook campaigns like #WalkOPedia and #WalkOver accounted for 38000 interactions by over 1200 participants.


A separate handle named Walk for Health was created it the start of the 4 week cycle and gathered 213 followers over this period. With updates on tips for walking and maintaining good health, it was accompanied by celebrities like Shilpa Shetty and Micky Mehta supporting the cause.

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A one of a kind Instagram contest was held in the final week as a prelude to the contest.

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The followers were to tag max Bupa in a picture of a place in Mumbai and/or Delhi they would love to go walking in.

They were also asked to tag images of what they would like to walk with.

With the hashtag #WalkingAlong and #WalkForHealth the reach counted to 0.3 million and an addition of 100 enthusiasts to the bandwagon of health freak.


On Twitter, with a little help from the influencers of the health world viz. Mickey Mehta, Miss Malini and Max Bupa’s line of followers too, Miss Malini ran a #WalkForHealth contest with simple questions like the location of the walk on 9th November, tagging people you would take along to the walk, which cartoon characters would make their appearance at the walk with the infamous ‘RT ‘x’ number of times to reveal the next question’ mechanism set into play.

Miss Malini garnered quite a large audience and so did the aligned follower base of Mickey Mehta and Max Bupa.

The result: while the campaign Hashtag on Twitter, #WalkForHealth has received an overwhelming 50.38 million impressions and an outreach of 3.59 million.

Google+ and the Walk for Health Website

An active Google+ page with &" target="_blank">Google hangouts by Mickey Mehta and a full-fledged website walk for health allowed swift site-indexing by Google and an active follower base being built over a period of time consistently to reach 86,504 followers. It also hit 1,001,720 views on the G+ page over the time period with the traffic to the website allowing for heavy traction to the Max Bupa’s digital properties.

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The live Google Hangout with Mickey Mehta had 130 questions being shot at him to hit, 0.6 million Impressions.


The strategy in order to attain 15,000 participants through the digital space was covered heavily as every platform was taken into the foray. The aggressive outreach using every mechanism possible was extremely lucrative as the reach attained reach many a million.

Diverse approaches respective to each platform made for an interactive and yet different at all levels sort of an experience. I.e. an app on Facebook, influencer driven contests on Twitter and Instagram privy to the primary format of communication i.e. Images on Instagram and 140 character texts on Twitter, Videos on YouTube and Hangouts on Google.

And too top it all, a web at the centre that directed every user, everywhere – The website, that users could use to register and get updates about the walk, get walking tips and view videos etc.

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The event also included live tweeting from the event to update followers about how the event was spanning out.

Scope for Improvement

Quite a daunting task digging through this campaign for negatives. Perhaps I’ll audaciously skip this bit owing to a heavily well executed, objective driven and fulfilling campaign.


Campaigns today that attain objective solely through Social Media work well heavily only when the final consumption of the product and/or service is online for example: ecommerce sites, online review sites, directory sites etc.

Pulling off physical footfall driven campaign successfully through the digital space could definitely be attributed to a large budget but the execution and ideation space cannot go without a couple of mentions.

What’s your take on the campaign? Would you take a walk.. for health?

Max Bupa max bupa campaigns social media campaign review #walkforhealth max bupa heath insurance