
HomeShop18 brands TV anchors using Vine

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HomeShop18 brands TV anchors using Vine
Breaking free from the clutter of e-commerce advertising, HomeShop18 used Vine with a dash of humor creating interesting video content to deliver a business message.

To succeed in this era of excess information, HomeShop18 tapped Vine to reach out to the youth with crisp content.

The 6 second challenge

Customers skim through all the television commercials, follow up emails and various forms of marketing only to consume scraps of information they like. Vine’s 6 second timeline pushes brands to get their creative juices flowing and produce succinct and creative content.


HomeShop18 created humorous scripts for Vine videos. To add quirk, questions for the contest - #XoloOnHS18 were asked using videos.

Going beyond television

Along with its website, HomeShop18 has a dedicated television channel. Banking on its very DNA of video content, HomeShop18 manages to extend its brand ideology with Vine to tech savvy youth who don’t tune into their television sets. HomeShop18 featured its TV anchors in these Vine videos to sustain brand identity and recall value.

Content marketing at its best

Video is increasingly become the choicest form of content. While most brands are seen creating a force fit to leverage this trend, HomeShop18’s vine videos look like a natural.




To top it all, HomeShop18 marketed the contest and videos across Facebook and Twitter.

HomeShop18’s #XoloOnHS18 creates smart connections between content marketing strategies on an uncommon social media platform. The brand will be able to reap super benefits with smart branding of HomeShop18’s anchors on Vine in future marketing innovations.

HomeShop18 XoloOnHS18 xolo Facebook Vine Twitter ecommerce Social media Campaign Review