
How Aditya Birla's 'Solar Impulse' airplane flew across Twitter

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How Aditya Birla's 'Solar Impulse' airplane flew across Twitter
Solar Impulse, a zero-fuel airplane in line with Aditya Birla Group's sustainability strategy, was co-founded Swiss pioneers Bertrand Piccard (Chairman) and André Borschberg (CEO). The first aircraft able to fly day and night without a drop of fuel – propelled solely by the sun’s energy.


The main objective was to highlight the fact that such a unique plane was flying across our country, by engaging people through Facebook and Twitter.


A microsite was created for Aditya Birla Group where users had to login to the website using their Twitter account. On logging in, the world map would appear where the virtual solar plane is flying. The tweets posted by the users using #RTWin0Fuel would act as fuel to the virtual Solar Plane which makes it fly. Adding to the gamification quotient, users were asked to tweet more, as the faster they tweeted, the faster the plane reached the next destination.


The campaign received a staggering amount of over 15 thousand tweets in a day, with over 3 million timeline deliveries and 3292 unique contributors.


This campaign reflected Aditya Birla Group's sincere effort towards sustainability. It initiated conversation with consumers and also created awareness about sustainability practices and innovative solutions.

After all, innovations are best when they make a social difference right?

Innovative Twitter sustainability zero fuel Solar Impulse airplane Adity Birla