
Facebook's new business networking updates

Sukaina Meghani
New Update
Email Marketing - Social Smosa
Facebook is constantly updating their social media platform by providing everything under one screen. Photo-editing option like Instagram, mentions like Twitter and now professional networking. Their latest addition is work enquiries/messages like email messaging.

The social media giant announced more options and communication features on Facebook pages for making business communications better.

  1. Added ‘send message’ on local awareness ads

Facebookers no longer need to go on the page and send a message, they can now send a message via the ad that appears on their newsfeed, thereby using pull marketing strategy in order to keep the fans engaged.

  1. Reply to comments via personal message

With reply via personal message, reply and the like option, Facebook made it even easier to communicate privately for business pages with their customers. Helping them keep the conversation private and confidential.

  1. Managing messages

With overflowing messages that business pages get, Facebook didn’t want admins to pull out their hair. They introduced a feature to manage messages which makes it convenient for admins to reply and keep a track of all the messages received.

  1. Identify responsive pages

Pages that reply to messages in less than 5 minutes to 90% of messages will get a ‘very responsive’ public badge on their profiles so as to let others know that this Facebook page is highly responsive

After adding all these features, the communication process between the business pages and their following fans will become easier and faster. This in turn will result in increasing the connection between the two parties. Facebook is aggressively trying to maintain its position in the social networking arena.

Not only will Facebook be used for social networking now but also for business networking.

reply facebook updates conversation personal message social networking arena send message responsive pull marketing messages received managing messages photo-editing enquiries confidential Instagram networking option business networking social media networking messaging communication features business page Facebook Twitter social media update