
Tinder to Vanity Fair - 'We need to talk'

Sukaina Meghani
New Update
Vanity Fair’s Nancy Jo Sales, wrote an article about Tinder, metaphoring it to "dating apocalypse." The real cat fight begun when she tagged them on Twitter, inviting a serious showdown.

This is not the first time that the aforementioned stats have been stated. Various other publications like New York Times, The Guardian and Huffington Post have also written about Tinder. However, unlike always Tinder wasn't in the mood of letting it go and probably drank 10 cups of coffee before sending out caffeine induced audacious tweets.

According to Tinder, 1.7% of their users are married and not 30% as mentioned by Vanity Fair calling their article bias. Tinder waited for almost a week before sending out Tweets after the article was published; the line was crossed when Sales sent out a tweet.

Nonetheless, Tinder has usually marketed itself as a dating app and not a matchmaking app. Today’s definition of dating is different than what it was before social media’s existence, which probably creates an identity crisis for the dating app.

In their defense, Tinder pointed out facts about the physical relationship in a sarcastic tweet thereby leaving Vanity Fair with no words to reply (at least for now).

The number of Tweets and data Tinder sent out, proved how well the app is doing and how people are already getting 'hooked' to it - literally. Nevertheless, Vanity fair's next move is now much awaited for all the people who witnessed this Twitter war.

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