It’s not every day one gets to converse with 21 eminent speakers in one day. However social media combined with meticulous planning makes that possible. Outsanding Speaker’s Bureau organised a day long Twitter chat with personalities that varied from industry leaders, entrepreneurs, bureaucrats, thinkers, sportspersons, artists and activists.
Unwrapping the present
Through the Tweet-o-thon, OSB wanted to unveil the new website which represented the company's thought leadership capabilities. To achieve the same, OSB had a range of experts to provide feasible solutions for exisitng organisational problems.
As the event was to be a day long chat, in order to keep buzz going, each speaker was allotted half hour to address queries and discuss ideas, strategies, achievements, thoughts, their life, work and more.
The meticulous planning for this digital conference look alike involved blocking the calendar of 21 exemplary speakers from different time zones for the same day.
OSB identified one topic for each speaker from her/his area of expertise. Promotional activities were carried out for each of the speakers and topics a week prior to the main event.
September 1st 2015 was announced as ‘The TOSB Day’ where Tweeples could engage with experts for the entire day.
The D-day
The forum began at 9 am where the Tweet-a-thon commenced with Dr. Devdutt Patnaik (Mythologist and Leadership Coach). The day long Twitter chat saw engagements with 21 speakers, some of whom were Dr SY Quraishi, Former Election Commissioner of India, Shekhar Gupta Editorial Advisor, India Today Group, Deepa Malik, paraplegic medal winning athlete, Sumit D Chowdhury, Founder, Gaia Smart Cities to name a few.
Performance metre
The primary goal was to see eminent speakers come together on the same planned day, to talk about different subjects. The Tweet-a-thon generated at least 4.9mn impressions and #TOSBDay reach out to at least 9.5 lakh people.