
Facebook to empower businesses with mobile smart Pages

Sukaina Meghani
New Update
More than 1 billion users visiting Facebook Pages every month, it is a developing feature for businesses to build and maintain mobile presence. Especially, in an environment where their audience are expanding and increasingly spending their time. This gives businesses both small and large, more tools to reach their consumers. Facebook started catering to college students, fresh graduates and is now targeting brands from a ROI or business point of view.

According to Facebook, it has more than 45 million active business pages, up from 40 million in May. The social networking giant added call to actions buttons like ‘Call now’, “Send message” and ‘Contact us’ for the desktop version recent. The ‘shop’ section on the page will also include buy buttons. All these features will now adorn Facebook's mobile pages as well.


A good day for SMBs

Facebook announced a host of Pages enhancements that will impact small businesses in addition to updating the current international SMB pages number. Data points out that 56% of people on Facebook in India are connected to an SMB.

"We are making investments to provide the right resources. We’ve also launched: Live Chats, Pages Messaging, Ads Manager app, SMB creative resources, plus educational resources," read an announcement by Facebook.

CTA (Call to action) buttons were introduced to help consumers find information easily, the new Section feature will empower brands to add new vertical-specific sections to new or existing Pages. Easy-to-understand tabs have been introduced on mobile devices to make it easier for people to find the information they’re looking for when visiting a Page while giving users more control of the Page.

Similarly, to help businesses and other organizations navigate this new communications channel Facebook added three new features:

  • Saved replies: Help Page admins respond faster to incoming messages (i.e. Create/save responses to common questions.)
  • Response signals: Identify Pages that are very responsive to private messages.
  • Reply privately: Page admins will be able to reply to public comments with a private message

The latest layout changes to Pages organises information better for their users to find what they’re looking for faster. This new move will make online business more accessible on the smartphone by adding new sections and these features to pages.

consumers Facebook audience information call-to-action Social networking Pages Social Media Platforms users news tools social media users