
#WeGetIt, Grofers - ordering now?

Sukaina Meghani
New Update
Grofers finally decided to broadcast an ad on social media platforms and traditional platforms with the core objective of reaching out to a mass audience and  to step in the world of entertainment advertisements.

Unveiling the curtain

The debut campaign consists of a series of four films, a central brand ad of 45 seconds and three additional creatives of 30 seconds each.

The initiative is targetted at the office going couples who would love the idea of coming back to a well-stocked home. Grofers tried offering them solutions that reduced the amount of their time spent on doing household chores, while balancing strenuous work and personal life. The 45-second digital film ends with the woman giving up on 'What she wants' and Grofers steps in offering her 'What she needs.'

Cherry results

They carried out an electric and acoustic engagement on their Twitter handle by hosting a #MobileMania contest at almost the same time. It also uses a humour appeal to build a connection with the viewers and also emphasised on the service features of the brand.

Grofers kept posting pictures on their Facebook and Twitter handle. Although, the campaign was conceptualised well, it could’ve performed great with a little push on social networking platforms. According to Topsy, 368 tweets around #WeGetIt, however, a lot of them were generic and not associated with the campaign.

We Get It. All.#WeGetIt

Posted by Grofers on Saturday, September 5, 2015

The video content proved to work well for Grofers with more than 5 Lakh views on YouTube however, the social media footprint could have been much larger.

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