
Facebook updates FbStart post Townhall in India

FbStart is a program for early mobile startups build and grow their apps. It will give them a number of monetary benefits.

Jagruti Verma
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FbStart and Startups
FbStart is a program for early mobile startups, to build and grow their apps. It will give them a number of monetary benefits. The program is designed to have three tracks- Pre- Launch, Bootstrap and Accelerate. It will also give them additional benefits packages.

Anyone who has read Varun Agrawal's How I Braved Anu aunty and Co-founded a Million Dollar Company, would know how important was the role played by Facebook in the initial promotion and building of Alma Mater. But, that was 10 years ago. In all these years, Facebook has come up with a lot of updates and new features.

In FbStart's second year, the social media giant has roped in more partners and has increased their monetary benefits by a significant amount. New partners include big names like Animoto, Coursera, Dropbox, Reverie, Twilio, Twin Prime and Verbalizet.

One of the most beneficial features on Facebook for startups is, FbStart, a program, which will benefit entrepreneurs in establishing their startups online. There are around 30+ partners of FbStart which will help developers get access to the industry- leading tools to create and promote their mobile apps better. It will also help them to learn and grow as professionals.

FbStart was launched at F8 2014 and is already a community of 7,200 startups across 130 countries. 70% of the members are from outside of US. India is the second largest market for FbStart after US.

Also, Facebook has updated their share sheet display which will help users to get a better preview of the posts they are sharing before posting.

Coursera Facebook Verbalizet Twin Prime Twilio Reverie Monetary FbStart Bootstrap Animoto Accelerate India partners Varun Agarwal startups DropBox