
#IndiaReloaded: Going beyond the stereotypes

Sukaina Meghani
New Update
Babas and folk singers are the know-it-all according to the real Indian consumer and Grey Group shows just how right it is. The latest #IndiaReloaded campaign displays the real India by understanding the consumer consumption power and culture of the region. 

After Dheeraj Sinha, Chief Strategy Officer, Grey Group launched his second booked aptly named ‘India reloaded’ that talks about the misconceptions and myths Indian consumers have about ever growing market, the agency has been focusing on creating, executing and promoting their ongoing campaign.

Reloading and how!

Sinha, aimed at going beyond clichés and attempted to capture the real India in his book covering multiple insights and the beliefs of advertising. The campaign aimed at amplifying buzz that India Reloaded managed to create around assumptions and hypothesis about the country and its consumer market.

Both the short clips are lessons marketers can learn from unconventional sources.


The execution of the campaign began with the two digital videos uploaded on YouTube and were shared on other platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

The first video features a Rajasthani folk singer who gives insights from the book; in the next video, the equation between need, demand and supply is discussed along with ‘Baba Brigade.’

.@dheeraj_sinha You mentioned #Jugaad as handicap for India. How do we get over it and who should initiate that? #IndiaReloaded

— Leplan(@leplan) October 19, 2015

Dheeraj and Grey Group have been promoting the campaign and interacting with the audience on their respective social media handles. #IndiaReloaded has been used to cover the activity that also exhibited a different perception of the Indian consumer market.

Krishnakumar Nair, Head marketing, Westland, the publisher of the book in India stated, “Dheeraj's India Reloaded brings out the real India, not just for the business and marketing community but for anyone who is interested in understanding the emergence of new India at the cusp of consumption and culture. The book and its ideas have generated a fantastic response. This campaign does a great job of amplifying the buzz that India Reloaded has created around, the myths and assumptions about India and its consumer market."


It hasn’t even been a day and the campaign is already gaining a lot of attention on social media. Grey Group on their Twitter handle announced a question/answer session with the author about the myths of the Indian consumer market.

The book promotion video showed the creative aspect using vibrant colours, fun, artistic and witty content. Both the clips have catchy lyrics and managed to create a cut-thru buzz for the campaign.

#IndiaReloaded manages to create a bridge between the offline popularity of the book across social platforms.


Campaign Review k challapalli Indian consumer market grey group apac social platforms consumer market #IndiaReloaded Facebook Twitter grey grop consumer dhiraj sinha Social media agency Indian Social Media digital platforms