Twitter is flooded with abuses for British Airlines. Reason: They dared to follow their regular procedure and ask Sachin Tendulkar for his full name, on the micro-blogging site.
Sachin had tweeted his disappointment to the airlines with the hashtag #BAdserviceBA. In reply, they asked him to DM his details - Baggage reference, full name and address. While, this is an everyday affair for the airline, today it turned out to be a terrible crime.
Angry Disappointed and Frustrated.. #BAdserviceBA Family member's Waitlisted ticket not confirmed despite seats being available (1/2)
— sachin tendulkar (@sachin_rt) November 13, 2015
@sachin_rt We're sorry to hear this Sachin, could you please DM us your baggage ref, full name and address so we can look into this for you? — British Airways (@British_Airways) November 13, 2015
This tweet exchange took place a few hours ago and since then, British Airlines has been accused of committing the crime of not knowing the God of Cricket.
How dare you @British_Airways ??After you mess up, you want @sachin_rt 's full name? Are you kidding me? #NeveronBA . — Amit Singh (@amit_passion12) November 13, 2015
Dear @British_Airways, this should help! https://t.co/NKDDLeoV3k @sachin_rt Love NOT flying with you, Indian Cricket Fan #NeveronBA — Rakesh Kulkarni (@itherocky) November 13, 2015
British Airways asked Sachin Tendulkar's full name... Fans replied: TUMCHI AAYI CHA GHO ! — Avil Porwal (@avilporwal) November 13, 2015
A few people did tweet in favor of the airlines, but the majority remained on the opposite side.
Whats wrong is asking a full name. One should be proud to tell his/her full name. British Airways — Saniya Mirza (@BeingRasika) November 13, 2015
Nice to know British Airways treats everybody equally — Abhijit Majumder (@abhijitmajumder) November 13, 2015
Don't undrstnd Y r ppl furious over @British_Airways . They followed the procedure. Nt cmplsry dat every1 must know Sachin. #BritishAirways
— Numaan (@imnumaan) November 13, 2015
Sachin Tendulkar is no doubt, one of the finest Indian cricket players. But, can such an outrage be justified?