
#RomedyTrail - India’s tastiest social media driven code word journey

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#RomedyTrail - India’s tastiest social media driven code word journey
With #RomedyTrail, the channel wanted to raise awareness around the movie ‘Chef’, airing in India for the first time on Romedy NOW through their social channels.

Romedy NOW wanted to drive engagement and build buzz for ‘Chef’ through a digitally driven on-ground activity.


#RomedyTrail was a multi-city race that united travel, food and social media - the core elements of the movie Chef.

10 teams participated from Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore in the #RomedyTrail. Each participating team had to perform tasks that were driven though social media. Upon completion of the tasks, they received the chance to devour delicious food at exclusively selected restaurants before reaching an end point to be declared as winners.

For the activity, Romedy Now partnered with Uber (for the travel of the participants in between restaurants) and Wow Tables (to get restaurants of the three cities, on board).

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Social Media was used to create a buzz for the event.


A  Microsite was created for giving details and getting registrations and a promo clip was shown on Romedy Now to promote the campaign.


Promotion for Registrations:


Teams were announced:


Locations were disclosed:


Buzz was created for the Event Day:


#RomedyTrail Day:

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Participant Excitement:




Team leaders of the 3 cities were asked to guess the movie name by deciphering the #Romedy140 from the tweets sent out. Then, the teams were given the restaurant list after they gave the correct answers.

When at a restaurant, they were asked to complete tasks driven by Twitter and only then they were allowed to enjoy the food and the pictures had to be shared.

Romedy Now managed to create a virtual code word journey which was then concluded offline, managing to create buzz in both the worlds.



Tasks were broken down on the basis of- Tweets, photos and videos.


The participants had to eat at 4 restaurants as a part of the race post which they had to reach the end location. The last task was to make a collage of all the memories of the day.



In less than 3 weeks, #RomedyTrail generated 46 million impressions. @RomedyNOW received 7,218 mentions from 1,309 users.


Each tweet received an engagement rate of at least 50 per cent whereas the overall engagement rate of #RomedyTrail was 3.3%.

#RomedyTrail trended in Mumbai, Bangalore and in India.


There were a lot of happy faces and happier tummies at the end of the campaign.

Wow Tables Romedy TRAIL Romedy Now #RomedyTrail uber Twitter Movie chef Social media India chef