
Will Twitter's new non-chronological timeline work?

Sana Sheikh
New Update
Will Twitter's new non-chronological timeline work?
Twitter is testing a new approach to showcase tweets to the users by displaying them in a non-chronological pattern. Many social media experts had already speculated that soon the microblogging site will introduce an algorithmic timeline similar to Facebook.

Twitter took great pride in their ability to capture breaking news and real-time stories, so only time will tell how this rearranged chronology will affect publishers and journalists.

According to the new format, tweets on your timeline will be sorted based on relevance and not in the reverse-chronological order with the newest posts first.


“This is an experiment,” a spokesperson from Twitter told several news outlets. “We’re continuing to explore ways to surface the best content for people using Twitter.”

Twitter's chief executive Jack Dorsey, had hinted about this earlier at a conference in July, he said, "You'll see us continue to question our reverse chronological timeline and all the work it takes to build one by finding and following accounts."


Not too sure, if this move will help the microblogging website to attract new users who prefers a simple & easier product. Twitter is desperately looking out for ways to improve the stagnant user growth. So, only time will tell, whether this will help to increase new users.

However, the users of 320 million strong social media website does not seem to be too happy with this new experiment of shuffling the timeline with most relevant tweets.

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The article is written by Sana Sheikh. She is a social media expert and loves to create social media stories for clients.

microblogging site Social Media Giant non-chronological timeline Facebook Twitter Twitter News Social media blog jack dorsey