
British Airways' #FuelledByLove soars with a strong script

Aishwaria Sonavane
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British Airways' #FuelledByLove soars with a strong script
A tale never touched or told, is flying high in the social media space. British Airways sheds light on a humble relationship shared between a cabin crew and an aged Indian passenger through a warm 6 minute long film.

British Airways commenced its journey with India in 1924, fell in love since then and continues to do so as this non-fictional story provides evidence.

Bonding from the skies to the land

Unveiling the campaign Helena Flynn, the flight attendant narrates her apprehension of flying to the foreign land of India. With the idea of stepping into a space of sundry tongues and cultures, she expresses her enthusiasm, above all qualms.

The screen phases to the next scene of a customary flying scenario where subtly hinting to an adorable budding rapport between a passenger and flight attendant. As the film follows, it brings out instances that showcase the fond connection on the travel between these two individuals, growing beyond cultures.

To dissect further, the third part of the film displays a bond expending from the sky to the lands, where the British flight attendant relishes the raw Indian culture, warmth, and hospitality of an Indian family.

Such incidences and affectionate atmosphere aids her to get over her fear of unfamiliarity, leaving you with all smiles.

Highs of the campaign

Fuelled by love indeed, this campaign surfaces an unexplored correlation giving a ting of sparkle and exclusivity. The film evolves slickly by enveloping all aspects of the classic Indian culture of large families, cuisine, traditional dance and overall aesthetics of the setting.

British Airways through the film lucratively achieves its motive of drawing a close connection between the Airlines Company and India truly till the end when the Indian lady gifts a handkerchief personally knitted with a flight and the air attendant herself on it.


This will melt your heart... See how a British Airways crew member falls in love with India on her first visit and...

Posted by Bitanko Biswas on Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The film remains close to its roots by obviously projecting airplane scenes and shortly Indian household set-up to express how their bond beyond isn't just professional, beautifully transforming a real-life incident into audio-visual.

Lows of the campaign

Winning all the brownie points for this intensely moving, distinct visual campaign British Airways had its low points when they overlooked to uphold it on social media.

#FuelledByLove and #LoveIndia were the two hashtags associated with the campaign which barely got any attention on social media as compared to the film. The hashtags were not as strong as the campaign thus pulling it down. Also, #FuelledByLove is commonly used hashtag leading to a dearth of exclusivity.

British Airways could have grabbed on to the social media by promoting through better constructed hashtags for a more organic reach. As of now, most tweets around the campaign are of infleuncers thus suggesting a paid route.



The campaign though heavily appreciated on social media by netizens, the professional handles of the company could not prioritize the campaign leading it to get lost in the cluster of other posts. Eventually, the campaign failed to enjoy the social media popularity that it could have unless the brand promotes it in the later stages.

With a great script, the campaign holds a lot of potential across social media platforms.

british airways Facebook Flight Attendent and passenger Flight relationships International flights India-British India and British Flight travel Social Media Campaign Twitter digital campaign British Airways campaign review British Airways campaign Airways campaign Air Travel #LoveIndia #FuelledByLove Cabin crew