
Facebook celebrates 12th birthday with 'friends'

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Facebook celebrates 12th birthday with 'friends'
This February 4, Faccebook turned 12 and continuing on the annual ritual, recognized this occasion as a Friends Day. The world of Facebook celebrates this birthday with all its friends (users) through a personalized nostalgic video.

Sheryl Sandberg said, “One of the things that I really come out of my last year understanding is I am going to celebrate every birthday.”

Marking this day, Facebook claims that within the last half decade the Facebook family has enlarged to over double its size and today they announced that during the same time period, the degree of separation between a typical pair of Facebook users continues to decrease 3.75 degrees, down from 3.74 degrees in 2011.

Face of Facebook, Mark Zuckerber said, “And that’s really what we care about, so we figured that rather than having this birthday that focuses on us, we should make sure that the world focus on what’s important that’s actually happening, which are only stories of how people are connecting around the world and it’s just amazing and it’s inspiring to hear.”

Reflecting on the significance of connecting and Friends Day, Facebook released this video with the idea that when people connect, powerful things happen and lives are changed. This video was stitched to highlight the importance of friendship and enabled everyone to share their video with the world.

Zuckerberg added, “That’s what the best movements do. You find ways to keep it focused on the needs of the community, and it’s not about you. And that’s the whole point of Friends Day. We felt like the world was making it too much about us and it’s not about us.”

Sandberg expressed her gratitude towards all the Facebook users, “I want to say thank you to all of you for the inspiration because this is why we exist and there is nothing we would rather do than celebrate our birthday with you.”

Facebook 2016 Mark Zuckerberg Facebook Facebook Friends Day Facebook turns 12 Friends Day video Friends Day Founder of Facebook Facebook's birthday facebook video Facebook personalised video Facebook News Facebook 2004 Sheryl Sandberg