
Tetra Pak India's #ProtectsWhatsGood spreads Goodness across social media

Sukaina Meghani
Updated On
New Update
How many times did you actually think about the ‘Tetra Pak’ while opening a carton of Amul milk? Barring the TVCs that graphically presented how Tetra Pak offers 7 times more protection to our daily protein supply – the consumer knowledge of the brand’s functioning has been surprisingly limited.

Creating awareness amongst end consumers while creating conversations and engagement around the brand, Tetra Pak launched #ProtectsWhatsGood. An ink pen gifted by Grandpa, or the traditional music knowledge passed on from generation to generation – it could be anything that’s important, it’s worth being protected.

The prime objective of the campaign is to reinforce Tetra Pak's motto - 'Protects What's Good' among the consumers.

Educating through social media

Keeping in mind the B2C model of the campaign, the core brief given to the team was to connect with the end consumers while educating them about food safety, a sceptic technology of Tetra Pak and how TetraPak cartons preserve the goodness of the food/drinks that they consume in their daily lives.

To materialise the same, Tetra Pak coined #ProtectsWhatsGood – a four-phased campaign that resonates with the consumers on an emotional level. #ProtectsWhatsGood commenced with teasers, offering consumers a glimpse of chronicles about real life legends who protect something that matters to them.

The posts managed to create curiosity leaving consumers wanting to know more.

Covering social media giants with Tetra Pak

With their objective to protect and preserve what's good, Tetra Pak India managed to light up social media and engage their audience with teasers, real stories shared by the brand, user-generated entries, short story posts and CSR initiatives that encourage the viewers to preserve what is important.

#Contest #ContestAlertA gift from a teacher, a dress from your childhood or a cause that you feel for, some good...

Posted by Tetra Pak India on Sunday, February 7, 2016

Goodness galore! Here is the complete collection of #ProtectsWhatsGood stories that were shared over the past two weeks....

Posted by Tetra Pak India on Friday, February 5, 2016

Protecting things, relations or causes that we cherish kindle warmth in us and so Tetra Pak India wanted its consumers to share stories where they are 'protecting' something 'good' in one form or another. Looping in the recyclable quality of Tetra Pak, the packaging company aims at protecting the environment and the future with their #ProtectsWhatsGood campaign.

Steady and established results?

Tetra Pak India managed to engage and interact with the audience in their contest with passion and bringing 'goodness' in their lives. With user-generic and educational content, the whole concept of Tetra Pak India was refreshing.

With a great concept overall and consistency in the campaign, Tetra Pak India managed to create a significant impact. The only thing missing was a little bit of social push, nevertheless, the message was conveyed in the right stead at the right time which indeed marks the success of this campaign.

Interactive Tetra Pak India Tetra Pak campaign reviews Facebook Twitter Social Media Marketing campaign Social media Digital #protectwhatsgood Execution protection Social Media Campaigns Engagement