
#KFCBoxwalas an under-utilized social media opportunity?

Sukaina Meghani
New Update
KFC India tied up with Mumbai's renowned and classic dabbawalas to deliver their latest meal along with the usual tiffin boxes to customers yesterday and gave netizens meal goals!
In an attempt to massify the finger lickin' food brand, the unusual collaboration with the 125-year-old iconic food delivering was able to chase off the Monday blues.
The Dabbawala's have been a subject for discussion and study at the Harvard Business School and it was about time that brands started leveraging them. Over the years, the entertainment industry has featured them in movies and songs.

The campaign managed to get a lot of traction and traffic on social media because of their influencer outreach and was a trending topic in India at rank 5 for about 2 hours 29 minutes. Twitteratis turned to the micro-blogging site and expressed their happiness and astonishment in less than 140 characters.

From a WHO campaign to raise awareness about vector-borne diseases as well as promotions for TV shows such as Bigg Boss and MasterChef, the Dabbawalas have become a part of the trend. 

Mumbaikars check out the streets today as Dabbawalas become #KFCBoxWalas and surprises the foodies all over the city.#Edelman #PRCampaign #KFC5-1-1MealBox

Posted by Love Verma on Monday, March 28, 2016

KFC is no stranger to the kind of response that digital has had on their consumers. This interactive and surprising marketing helped in increasing the brand’s engagement and tried connecting with digitally-savvy office goers. While KFC box receivers went all out on social, the brand refrained from speaking about it on social platforms upfront.

A supporting social media strategy would have taken the campaign to an all new level.

Getting the iconic #KFCBoxwalas on social media was a successful new age content marketing move for the brand, nevertheless, a little social push could've worked wonders for the campaign.

Interactive Campaign Review #KFCBoxwala meal box dabbawalas Social Media Campaigns Twitter Mumbai Social Media Marketing campaign marketing ad campaigns Social media netizens kfc