
Social Samosa Agency Feature - Amura Marketing Technologies

Social Samosa
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Who are we?

Amura Marketing Technologies is a leading digital marketing services company of India with its own marketing & sales automation platform.  Amura currently serves clients across Real Estate, Pharma, Healthcare, Education and BFSI sectors.

The motto of the company is ‘Marketing Engineered’ which is about finding a technology solution to a marketing problem. Amura has taken  this philosophy into successfully creating disruptive technology solutions which enable companies to manage all their digital assets, empower them to execute programmatic buying of their digital media, optimizing and analyzing campaigns in real time and generating maximum leads for growing their business.

The company has grown in last 5 to 6 years from 5 members to 200+ members.  It is among the rare few companies which has consistently posts 200% YOY Growth. The company is headquartered in Pune with offices across Mumbai, Delhi and Bengaluru.

What’s in the name?

Amura” (a-moo-r-uh): - Sanskrit) which means ‘Intelligence. Being a data driven digital marketing company, intelligence is at the core of the company’s service delivery. Right from the use of tools, analytics, algorithms, big data, and cloud based automation, and data driven decision making, intelligence is rooted in everything that the company does.

What we do?

Amura’s provides complete sales and marketing growth solutions for SMEs right from creating their digital assets and digital transforming their business to achieve high octane growth by providing real leads from real customers translating into closures and revenue.

Why we do it?

Digital Marketing is estimated to grow up to 47.5% by the end of 2016. At this rate, digital is expected to become one-third of all ad-spends in another 4 years and overtake traditional spends in the next 6 years. However, most of today’s digital marketing companies lack the technology approach and tend to operate from a creative perspective.

We at Amura Marketing Technologies bring together the rare mix of performance marketing, creative innovation and technology platforms to support all kinds of business in achieving their milestones in digital transformation, scale and automation, returns on marketing investment and finally resulting in measurable business growth.

How we evolve?

The company has been witnessing robust growth since inception and has been registering a 200% growth since last two fiscals. The company is working with over 100 corporate in India and has helped sell over 2 Billion USD worth GMV for clients till date.

Amura is also to launch World’s first Real Estate DMP – Data management platform along with other new products in the year FY 2015-16. The company also aspires to cater to Tier II cities where the demand for digital marketing is growing visibly. While Amura works with SME and corporate in India, it is also looking at an entry into the US markets with the flagship product Sell. Do towards the end of this financial year.

‘Social responsibility in social media’

Social media now requires an organization to be always ‘switched on’ and responsive at all points. Customers and stakeholders have conversations 24x7 and all companies must be able to respond to the same in real time. Our Social Media team uses new tools like, Meltwater and Sprout Social, for analyzing engagement, reach and for listening in on relevant conversations and events unfolding in the social landscape.

But in the age of social media marketing, brands are also expected to be socially responsible. Amura’s social team is focused on being able to respond to customer queries, requests and grievances and to be able to address them swiftly. The Team regularly does campaigns which are targeted at increasing followership, have meaningful conversations with the brand’s extended community, take on social responsibility initiatives, manage online reputation, and grow the authenticity of the brands and businesses.

Social responsibility in social media is about living your values, making a difference and having a transparent, open-channel communication at all times, where the Amura Team manages all activity and annual calendars for 100+ client brands in the social space.

‘Need of the hour’

Social networking laws are not properly drafted yet. Things we consider that need to be taken care of from our experience.

As social media is coming of age, so is the India Legal system approach towards it. The right to ‘freedom of speech’ is presently finding extension into social media, as much as the understanding that we need to be responsible on social platforms.

Last year, we have seen Section 66A which had seen people arrested for comments being struck down by the Supreme Court paving the way for better protection of one’s freedom of online speech. Now ending of the Section 66A clearly suggests that posting offensive comments is no longer a crime which is punishable by imprisonment. However, defamation laws from the offline world have continued to remain applicable.

Where social platforms like Twitter are concerned, authentication of the message requires some definition. While trolling is being seen as something that creates creative competition on social media, the converse is also true where people are seen to be using the platform for venting their personal disagreements against each other. In business, the Social Team has sometime complained of direct competitors trying to malign or misrepresent the brand online by posting untruthful and misleading information.

The need of the hour is to expand the scope of online freedom to better universal laws which makes the world of social platforms a fair and equal playing field. Governments too need to adopt social media to reach out to the thousands of new emerging social-public and social-business institutions, while ensuring that the space is not falling to misuse.

‘We learned the hard way’

It is very important to be in sync with the sentiment and pulse of the audience. Whether you are running contests, choosing winners or managing online conversations with disgruntled customers, it is very important to having the right tone to move your audience away from the space of dissonance to that of an advocate.

Once after a very successful contest for a known client brand, the social team kept receiving enquires online and comments from participants even a while after the contest was over. Several of them were expecting to win and some were unhappy with the outcome.

The team had to reach out directly to the customers and continue the dialogue long after the contest was over. This required the brand to take a sympathetic, personalized approach and engage clearly and honestly with the customers. Several customers are also proficient social media users so it was important to influence their responses as well and prevent negative comments getting traction on handle mentions and hashtags.

An experienced social media team plays a critical role in handling these situations, the real character of the brand are seen, recognized and appreciated across the social landscape.

Did we just share that?

A slightly amusing trend which has started is that we get several new brands and businesses approaching us for social media, where the clients are excited by the idea of social media but not many are sure why social media is so important to them.

Brand also needs to desist from moving toward selling / hard selling in the social space. The idea is to have meaningful discussion with a user / fan base and not be another marketing message.

Experiences sell luxury, while value and utility sell affordability in the real estate segment. Yet frequently, we have to keep luxury clients from going over the top with their marketing message, and disconnecting with the community in the process.

‘They work with us’

We’ve built a great rapport with clients and work together really well. Some notable ones are Oberoi Realty, Honda, Glenmark, Radius Developers, DSK Sup Infcomm, Hiranandani, Ramco Aviation, Amanora, F-Residences, Wave City, The Address Makers, Kolte Patil, Royal Tulip Hotel, Puraniks and K Raheja Corp among others.

‘Industry as we foresee’

Research shows that by the end of June 2016, India will reach a 354 million strong active internet users population, of which 134 million people are active social media users. The latest figure indicates that India presently, has more internet users than the population of the US and has become the second largest country by the number of internet users after China.

According to a report published by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) the population of internet users in India has grown 17% in the initial 6 months of this year, adding another 52 million new users to the universe. These figures themselves show the market potential of Social Media in India.

Thanks to the smartphone revolution and our busy schedule, everybody socializes on social media and according to recent research; Facebook user base in India will soon hit 101.5 million. However, by 2017, India will have the largest mobile phone user base at 145.9 million followed by the US at 138.8 million. India is a land of diversities and the unity of the entire nation is punctuated with diversities in language and various communities. Social Media is that common platform through which an Indian marketer can transcend such diversities and reach out to a larger base of the desired TG.

More and more brands prefer social media to have the maximum visibility and reach out a huge number of potential customers. It is ideal for building a brand as well as a medium how a loyalist can emotionally connect with a brand. It’s also a myth that most of the social media success is coming from e-commerce. The Social Team have seen proven success in several social media campaigns in real estate, pharma, education and automotive, and even with B2B brands.

What would a day without Internet be like?

A day without the internet is now the equivalent of a day without electricity. Today business losses for a day with internet based communications and commerce alone will run into billions of dollars. Today consumers start and finish their day mostly connected to the internet economy. The internet has become a core medium for everything from communication, transportation, socializing, business and comms, data storage, retail, finance and commerce.

Without internet for a day, not only would there be business loss, but all our social support systems which make us feel connected with the world around would stop working. It is the power of the Internet which gives us the feeling that we reside in a global village, where accessing any information or communicating with any part of the world is a reality, possible within seconds. So we can rightly conclude this entire flow of communication-powered by the World Wide Web will come to a standstill if there is no internet. In one day, we would go back to a world without speed, spontaneity, accessibility, knowledge, connections, and experience. And that world would not be recognizable anymore.

Lastly – are you hiring?

Team Amura is always looking forward to meeting new talent across technology, content, creative and social. Candidates can visit the careers section on our site for details.

Social media digital media digital driven marketing amura marketing technologies Agency Feature