Who are we?
Interactive Bees is a complete brand communication agency and a digital native that flies beyond the boundaries of limitations which brands face in evolution. We are a restless discoverer of new possibilities, adventurous enough to cross barriers, explorer of risks and rewards and doing what it takes to deliver the most appropriate brand communication ideas. Ideas that are worth spending time with and worth sharing further. We are a brand with a start-up mindset challenging the dominance of large monoliths in the space of communication. We encourage boldness and urge our clients to 'believe' in the power of ideas.
What's in the name?
A lot-if its Interactive Bees. We are the buzzing Bees that hover around the advertising landscape looking to leave an undeniable mark to whatever we touch. We are passionately inclined to follow the less trodden path and use our inherent strengths to build cross-pollination strategies for brands looking for a WOW factor in their communications. Our bubbly and vivacious mascot represents our ideology of cohesive working together to create innovative, engaging and delightful solutions for brands.
What we do?
Being a full service brand communication agency, we strive to give brands a voice that they can call their own. We are creatively dexterous, digitally zippy, technologically invincible, socially chirpy, and buzz-worthy by nature. We are a witty outfit where creatively-bent and technology-inclined come together to browbeat the odds that fall anywhere in between ideation and execution.
The beehive factory that we call Interactive Bees is churning honey-laced ideas. The ideas that are simply mind-blowing, that make you sit-up and take notice, that have the power to arouse emotions, is what Interactive Bees believes in empowering a brand with today, tomorrow and in the future.
Why we do it?
We have always held creativity in high regard. With technology as our backbone, we wish to change the advertising landscape by building human connections that go beyond analytics and spreadsheets. We are intent on creating brands as touchstones that become a part of popular folklore so that they are inherited by future generations as a “way of living” rather than just another brand.
How we evolve?
We are constantly learning and unlearning, keeping up with the fast changing environment around us. We call industry leaders, hold idea sharing sessions, brand contests and troubleshooting sessions to understand the dynamics of transition.
We are upgrading our skill sets, creatively challenging ourselves and going for cross-pollination strategies to help brands create a superior recall value.
Social responsibility in social media
Trust remains the cornerstone for any brand to survive a relationship. Social media channels are not a mouthpiece that should be overhyped but should be used creatively to connect with the audiences.
Need of the hour
Going social is a double edged sword. You do the talking but are also open to brickbats. That is why transparency, quick response to a controversial issue has become more important than maintaining an updated social channel.
In the age of co-creation, giving your social platform to the consumer to voice out their concerns is a no-brainer which can get you their loyalty and turn them into your brand advocates.
We learned the hard way
Brands are put on a pedestal or sidelined irrespective of their past. A brand that does not understand the zeitgeist is a brand working in a vacuum. Understanding the consumer, the culture he is influenced by, the experiences he breathes every day and the aspirations he hopes to achieve in the future is becoming the only legitimate way to connect with him.
Did we just share that?
On a usual day, we were trying to get our social media strategy approved from the client. With an iron-clad brief in our hand, we were sure we would sail through without facing any flak. But with last minute complete boomerang from client side, our content writer had to take the rap with a hilarious quote “ Kyu bhai, Kal kaam karne ka mann nahi tha?”. The poor guy out of courtesy had nothing to say in retort. This however has now become a joke that is getting used most often among the team on many different occasions.
They work with us
GROHE, Huawei India, Indorama Industries, Costa coffee, Devyani International Ltd.
Industry as we foresee
Granular marketing even when you know that you are communicating to the crowd will find its way in marketing cookbooks one day. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to see “Minority report” kind of advertising where the actor is retina scanned by a giant billboard and delivered a targeted ad specifically reading his preferences. The power to bring this distinctive connect in communications will define the future of advertising.
A day without Internet
Apocalypse…A steep descent into chaos….Nah! Are we exaggerating? IT guys would definitely be having a field day.
Lastly, are you hiring?
We are on the lookout for creative talent.